This is Rich: New Ownership for Kimkins

5 10 2007

Who would buy Kimkins?  Maybe the question should be, how much did Kimmer (Heidi Diaz) pay someone to take over?

Kimmer Continues to Lie, “I am not Heidi”

3 10 2007

In an exclusive release of a detailed information from Kimkins, theTRUTH posts a message in which Kimmer continues to insist she is not Heidi Diaz, even though we all know better.

It is both shocking to see and incredibly telling about how far Kimmer (Heidi Diaz) will go to continue perpetuating the lies and frauds.

Kimmer wrote:

We are surprised that the extent of their investigation was to post information from the anti-Kimmer websites. We cannot make this any more plain that I am not Heidi. She and I have been friends since high school and when I began posting on the internet nearly 10 years ago I used Heidi. As I’ve mentioned, I also use other names when writing, particularly for men’s magazines. Heidi is an owner of and nothing more. How do I say this nicely? She doesn’t “care” about Kimkins. Her interests are in other areas entirely. I did not trust Catherine (former partner) and Heidi stepped in as me. She has not seen the news clip but I will be seeing her this weekend.

The news clip me of the “diet review” done by which also only parrots the anti-Kimmer blogs. No medical review. No impartiality. Hundreds of pro-Kimkins members wrote to Laura Dolson (who was impressed with their intelligence she told me), but didn’t change her review at all.

Oh well, can’t win them all.

The focus of has always been about weight loss. We want to keep that focus. We’ve had 3 new success stories submitted this week and CONGRATS to those members! We’ll have them up soon and thanks for your generosity in sharing to motivate others!

The Kimkins partners have formed a management group headed by Tippy Toes. All of the admins, partners, staff and I are hard at work behind the scenes making Kimkins a bigger and better site for our members. Tippy Toes has graciously accepted responsibility for coordinating everyone (when does that girl sleep) and she’s doing a stellar job!

If anyone has questions, ask an admin! Danielle & Wannabefit2 are Kimkins staffers. We appreciate the enormous amount of time all admins donate to Kimkins members. They are extremely generous people.

We’ve got some exciting features to announce very soon — all designed to help with life_style_ changes for permanent weight loss. Stay tuned!

Read the full post at theTRUTH Starts Here


If you have not yet watched the KTLA broadcast, you can watch the video here. Tonight KTLA will broadcast part 2 at 10:00 PM PDT.


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October 3, 2007 at 4:34 pm


She comments in the first paragraph about it being Heidi. Then she turns around and says “In the news clip of ME…”

Which is it you big, fat, liar?????

October 3, 2007 at 4:34 pm

On the Sidelines

Ok let me get this straight. She says she is not Hedi but a size 4 girl in a red dress. Well then way did she says this:

taken from above: “The news clip ME”

Ok how can she be a size 4 girl and big the woman in the news clip.

Wake up people this woman can not keep her lies straight anymore. Please wake up before you do serious damage to yourself.

October 3, 2007 at 4:35 pm


if Heidi isn’t kimmer two questions

why didi kimmers podcast with Jimmy Moore voice come out of her mouth when she said no comment?

Why didn’t she just say no I am not that woman in that pic as I am not kimmer just a chilkdhood friend and employee?

October 3, 2007 at 4:46 pm


I am going to need a roll-eye-ectomy after this….

October 3, 2007 at 4:49 pm


Kimmer with friends like who needs enemies?

October 3, 2007 at 4:49 pm


oops you

October 3, 2007 at 4:53 pm


lmfao. hidey you’re finished!

October 3, 2007 at 4:53 pm


So, let’s take her at her word (yes, I’m choking as I say that)…then why doesn’t she just prove she’s not Heidi? It’s as simple as a podcast, a news story (which I’m sure the reporter doing the story right now would give her the opportunity to do just that). PROVE it instead of sitting behind your keyboard and tripping yourself up on your lies.

Heidi – You have lied SO much, nobody believes ANYTHING you say…you can’t even keep your own lies straight anymore. Your own postings prove yourself wrong – there isn’t even a need for a P.I. anymore, you prove the lies for us. All that the Ducky’s and theTRUTH’s in the world have to do is copy and paste your own posts, you prove yourself wrong everytime. Your day in court is coming and if you were EVER a foster parent or CASA, your fingerprints are on record sweety, so sitting in front of a judge and saying you aren’t Heidi Diaz won’t work, just set you up for more charges – perjury. We know the truth, you know the truth, you are just grasping at straws.

Sorry for the rant, but on top of being duped out of my hard earned money, this woman is now insulting my intelligence. It it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s certainly not a dog, it’s a duck…yes, that pun is intended! It is Heidi, we all know it – and she continues to think she is going to get away with this.

October 3, 2007 at 5:20 pm



You are a lying sack of SNATT!

October 3, 2007 at 5:41 pm

Just Ducky

We accidentally deleted a comment and aren’t sure even which post it was made to. It included links to archives of the Kimkins website prior to the changes now underway. If that person can repost, it would be greatly appreciated.

October 3, 2007 at 5:46 pm


Tippy toes and management used together in the same sentence is just plain hilarious!!!

Does anybody know if anyone has posted or tried to post the link to the newscast on Kimkins today?

October 3, 2007 at 5:50 pm


What will happen when Heidi is ordered by the court to produce kimmer and she can’t/won’t?

October 3, 2007 at 5:53 pm


Remember that psychopaths don’t break even when they’re caught.
They typically try to befriend the police and detectives as someone who’s “not-guilty-just-trying-to-be-a-helpful-citizen” would.

October 3, 2007 at 6:59 pm


I just hope they don’t try to put Kimmer and Heidi in separate jail cells. Could get messy.

October 3, 2007 at 7:20 pm


Heidi was her cousin, then her friend, then some random business partner, etc…pleaaaaaaaaaase.

Why would you be partner in something you care nothing about? It happens when big bucks are made and complicated projects arise, but it’s a diet site that apparently all you have to do is sit at your keyboard all day to control. I don’t think that comment is CLOSE to making sense about Heidi not caring.

ALL before pictures match with Heidi. The fun part is that Kimmers old avatar on LCF is the same person in the before pictures/dating site pictures of Heidi…which is the same person in Kimmer’s before picture…


How can someone be so dumb? She doesn’t follow the diet so obviously doesn’t have light-headedness, nausea, or brain damage…except maybe from staring at the screen all day…

“I did not trust Catherine (former partner) and Heidi stepped in as me”

Does that just not add up to anyone else?

October 3, 2007 at 7:31 pm


Catherine never met kimmer/heidi, so that’s just an off-the-wall claim anyway.

October 3, 2007 at 10:11 pm


Right, Stiff, yet she has also claimed that Heidi knows nothign about Kimkins and doesn’t care, she just collects the money. So how would Heidi “step in for her” without any Kimkins knowledge?

And IF IF IF IF Heidi and Kimmer were two different peeps (and pigs really do fly) why doesn’t Heidi just whip out Kimmer’s pic and say, “look, HERE”s the woman in the red dress who lost all the weight, this is Kimmer!” She doesn’t even try to defend herself. If that was MY friend and she was the one who lost the weight but I was bankrolling the business, I’d sure put her face on everything and make it clear that she was the success story. I wouldn’t run and hide and say No Comment.

Sheesh, people, wake up!!!

October 3, 2007 at 10:12 pm

Kimmer Continues to Lie, “I am not Heidi” by

[…] We’ll have them up soon and thanks for your generosity in sharing …article continues at Just Ducky brought to you by and […]

October 4, 2007 at 1:07 am

Kimmer Continues to Lie, “I am not Heidi†by

[…] We’ll have them up soon and thanks for your generosity in sharing …article continues at Just Ducky brought to you by and […]

October 4, 2007 at 2:28 am


Kimmer’s ‘before’ picture is without a doubt the same woman that Kimmer claims is Heidi.
So…she used a picture of Heidi as her before picture and then her own picture as her after picture??? Does she even know what she’s saying anymore.
How can anyone read that explanation and still believe her?

October 4, 2007 at 1:34 pm

Not Heidi Either

Kimmer isn’t Heidi?

Who cares? We’ll take Heidi. We can prove Heidi started Kimkins, we can prove she’s taking money for it, hiring the admins, paying for the server. She is Kimkins. If she’s not Kimmer, who cares, she’s as culpable and guilty as Kimmer then. If Kimmer has done such a good job pretending to be Heidi, then Heidi will not be able to prove she’s *not* Kimmer.

Let Heidi take the fall for you, Kimmer, we don’t care. We’ll take her and let her pay for your mistakes. She won’t be able to avoid paying for them because she won’t be able to prove she’s not Kimmer unless you come forward and then we have you.

WIN-WIN. For us. Either we, we got ya (or Heidi). 😉

October 4, 2007 at 7:09 pm

Laura Dolson from Banned at Kimkins « Kimkins Exposed

[…] dangers, kimkins dieting, kimkins exposed, kimkins fraud, laura dolson In a post yesterday, Kimmer Continues to Lie, “I am not Heidi”, Kimmer wrote: The news clip me of the “diet review” done by which also only […]

Christin Speaks Out About Advice She Received From Kimmer

2 10 2007

In an attempt to set the record straight, after this mornings accusation that members with health problems can only blame themself, Christin speaks out in her newest post on the matter of calories recommended by Kimmer (Heidi Diaz) when she was following the Kimkins diet. [We have edited out the screenshots from Christin’s site]

Written by Christin:

It has recently been suggested that people such as myself abused the Kimkins plan by cutting our calories to unhealthy levels on our own in opposition of the true intent of the plan. I am sorry to say that this is not true.

Tippy said: “I think it was well said previously that Kimkins diet has been abused by some members at their own doings who now point the finger in blame towards us.” This statement is incorrect. This is the way we were instructed to follow the plan “correctly.”

It saddens and sickens me to admit this about myself, but I feel that I must share in order to bring to light proof of the eating disordered behavior that I not only engaged in, but was encouraged in.

February 14, 2007 – I wrote:

“TOPIC: Kimmer, Becky, anyone!! Check my Fitday please – I need help!!!!”

I have been pretty much stalled all month. I’m under a lot of stress here at home w/ my daycare, but I don’t know if that would contribute or not. I’ve been K/E pretty much for the most part w/ a few Kimkins days here and there. Is my body just confused by my mixing it up?? I try to drink 40-80oz of water a day on top of what is here and every now and then I do drink a diet soda, but I get the sodium free splenda sweetened ones. Please help!!!! I have got to get to goal!!!!


Average Calories: 377 Fat: 11g Carbs: 8g Protein: 58g

By all indications medically and scientifically, I was in actuality, starving. I was showing very clear signs of grossly anorexic behavior. However, in my zeal to lose and blind faith in a program that I believed I was utilizing “perfectly” I failed to see the warning signs my own body was giving me.

Kimmer replied:

Your calories are low, protein good, but I have questions about whether quantities are accurate if you’re not using a food scale and some days are missing.

Be sure of measurements. How do you figure .1 cup of salsa? .1 cup of olives? .1 cup of shredded cheese?

Skip all sausage, even turkey, if you’re not losing
Skip bacon
Skip pork roast
Skip pastrami

What are you using to weigh protein like 2 oz, 3 oz? Use specific ounces, not “1 serving”

Measure coffee mug, very few are 8 oz, most are 12-16 oz

Keep veggie limits to 3 cups raw or 2 + .5 cup cooked. How did you measure .75 cup of cooked cabbage?

Egg beaters, 1 cup? That’s quite a bit. Better to have fewer eggs & an extra salad serving or lettuce roll-up.

I have to ask — what’s with all the egg whites? And what do you do with the yolks?


Kimmer thank you so much for checking this out for me. In answer to your questions. As far as the .1 cup thing – I couldn’t find an option for a tsp measurement on those and I wanted to have it in there… so that’s my best guess for the amt.

I have a food scale that I use to measure ounces and that’s what I’ve used.

The 1 serving thing… those are individual servings _base_d on the packaging when they don’t give me the ounces. Do I need to measure them anyways? I’m just going by the serving size (ie 1 piece).

I had a feeling about the pork roast thing… my SIL wanted German for her bday and that was the ONLY thing I could find on their menu that was remotely close to plan – that’s where the cabbage was too… (sauerkraut, but fitday doesn’t have that, so I know the sodium was WAY up there that day) The serving they put on the plate was aprox 1 cup. I didn’t eat the whole thing, but I’m pretty sure I ate more that
1/2 cup so that’s why I did the .75. It was an estimate since we were out and I couldn’t measure exactly.

I’ve decided to cut coffee all together for a while to see if that helps pick it up… Pray for me, it’s going to be VERY difficult.

I was doing the EW challenge that’s what all the EW is for… higher protein less fat… forgive me but I throw the yolk out. I’m looking for boxed EW so that it will be a bit easier… But i’m out of pretty much everything so I’m having to make do with what I can till I get to the grocery store.

Thanks for your suggestions, anything else?


Christin, you did really good at a German restaurant! My family is German and, yikes! Yeah, that meal will mess with your progress because restaurants do things to enhance their food — but it didn’t trigger a binge and you enjoyed family time!

No need to weigh prepackaged stuff, but is anything you could substitute the sausages with? Even diced chicken chunks? I still cook up 2 breasts (various spices), dice into “dice” size squares and keep them in a Gladware bowl in the fridge. I grab a couple whenever I want a quick snack.

If you’re a fish fan, there’s a whole ’sea’ world. Sea World, get it — I’m so funny (not!)

Christin, you’re doing good and you’ve lost soooo much! Keep it up, it will come. Maybe try limiting protein to 3 oz portions, you can always get more if you need/want it.

Or, my sister’s favorite “snack” during her weight loss. The romaine lettuce roll ups. Layout a big leaf, lay 1 slice of Oscar Meyer sliced sandwich ham, either a squirt of mustard or a drizzle of salsa, roll up & eat — 10 calories. (emphasis mine)

Not only were my low calories praised and encouraged, but I was encouraged to cut even more than what I already was consuming on a diet of primarily egg whites which had received full blessing as well. I did not “abuse” the plan.

True that no one forced me to eat this way, or told me that I must follow everything that Kimmer said. But, when you feel as though you’ve been handed the keys to true permanent weight loss, and you are so close to achieving that goal, it is difficult not to be blinded by your own aspirations, especially when receiving such encouragement. I was affirmed that I was doing exactly what I was supposed to be doing.

I used the plan. Plain and simple.


Comments feed for this article

October 2, 2007 at 7:25 pm


wow dang Kimmershe was telling her to eat even less???

BTW a tsp is 1/3th of a tablespoon which is 1/16th of a cup so it would be 1/48th of a cup or .02083 even less then Christen posted she had eatten.

October 2, 2007 at 7:31 pm

Christin Speaks Out About Advice She Received From Kimmer by

[…] SCREENSHOT. Average Calories: 377 Fat: 11g Carbs: 8g Protein: 58g …article continues at Just Ducky brought to you by and […]

October 2, 2007 at 8:09 pm


TT is pointing the finger about how not following the plan and related health problems are the persons fault…funny words coming from someone who promotes the diet, but yet admits openly she follows Atkins more than Kimkins.

October 2, 2007 at 11:17 pm

Concerned about kimkins

Well that’s further proof Tippy is a douce bag. This is a sad event. And I still believe SL is a big fat liar!

October 2, 2007 at 11:19 pm

Concerned about kimkins

awe man fix the spelling error I meant DOUCHE bag 🙂

October 3, 2007 at 1:09 am

Princess Dieter

Tippy is the DO AS I SAY not DO AS I DO promoter of Kimkins. She doesn’t do Kimkins. She tweaks Kimmer’s Grand Starving Scheme so otehrs don’t do Kimkins. But man, she wants the name and site intact so she can get those Kimkins CHECKS.

How much does a soul go for over at Kimkins dot come these days?

The Princess

October 3, 2007 at 3:29 am


OMG, I don’t know how Cristin could have eaten so few calories and fat. I would have gone stark raving mad.

It’s amazing that Kimmer would suggest that she go lower than that…actually, it’s just sad and I really feel bad that Cristin is experiencing so may problems after following the Kimkins plan.

October 3, 2007 at 4:02 am


Thanks Christin for that example of Kimmer exalting “Very Low Calories”. Also, I wanted to let people know that its worth clicking on the link to Christin’s blog to read Becky’s comments…..very powerful. Shame, shame on Heidi Diaz and Tippy!!!!

November 12, 2007 at 6:29 pm


If you want to loose weight then do it the real way! Go to a dietician, go to your doctor, why would you all be so stupid to even trust some stupid diet. Of course you are all the ones who have tried other fad diets. None of you should be able to blame anyone other than yourself. You are all uneducated idiot consumers. All diet fads are like this, learn to check your sources, and make an appointment with your doctor or a nutritionist. That is how you really loose weight. Go join a gym.

Tippytoes Claims this is War

2 10 2007

In a ridiculous explanation about monitoring of private messages sent between members, Tippytoes (Jeannie Baitinger) had this to say about the matter.

Tippytoes wrote:

The reason for the PM’s being monitored is to find the sources who are hacking in by simply reading…

We are making this known to you so that there is no misunderstanding later.

As far as who is reading them, I will not say for protection of that admin. That admin has a job to do for the good of this site and the good of its members. Nothing more, nothing less. The same admin has been very busy uncovering a lot elsewhere and bit by bit we are winning this war.

I am hoping we will not need to do this forever. But we have to face facts here. The hackers came on to this site with harm’s intent. They did PM to each other and we know this now. So this is why we are monitoring and what we hope to stop.

Again, we apologize but feel we must take this action.


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October 2, 2007 at 2:55 pm


But yet didn’t all the previous posts say that nobody had access to PM’s? So now, they are being monitored and they’re tryint to justify why.

October 2, 2007 at 3:07 pm


So the hackers are getting into KK and sending each other pm’s? Now why would they do such a stupid thing? Why didn’t they just call each other? So many questions.

October 2, 2007 at 4:06 pm


Um… weren’t the PMs accessible to admins *before* they started showing up on the internet?

October 2, 2007 at 4:29 pm


The cruise… SAFETY ISSUE? I don’t understand.

OH …. yeah…. must have SOME kind of answer even if it is “made up”. I guess some people just create answers and repeat them often enough that they begin to believe it themselves.

Just ANOTHER reason to get away from anything that has to do with that place.

If they will lie about one thing, they will lie about all things.

October 2, 2007 at 4:30 pm


… sorry, posted the cruise comment under wrong topic… but still applies!

October 2, 2007 at 5:06 pm


OMG! I can’t believe those remaining members are buying that excuse! Those poor people can’t even share with one another their outside e-mail addresses. Why won’t Heidi/TT allow that?

October 2, 2007 at 5:43 pm


Okay, so the hackers are supposed to be smart enough to hack into the system and read the PMs but too stupid to realize that someone else might be reading their PMs.

And this is what people are supposed to believe? Seriously? What kind of logic is that?

October 2, 2007 at 8:23 pm


If she wants war, I have plenty of “ammo” saved up…

October 2, 2007 at 9:15 pm

Princess Dieter

Well, there was no WAR before and all the admins and Heidi/Kimmer had free access to read PMs. Why doesn’t that scare members?

And then it came down to only Heidi and one admin having access, cause, well, “Kimmer” stopped trusting the others?

And now it’s being monitored cause of hackers?

My advice to Kimkinettes: Flee. How can you trust anything the rulership at Kimkins says? Even when they go back and say, “All is well. PMs are private,” well, you know they WON’T BE, cause they NEVER WERE. Heidi/Kimmer wouldn’t tolerate not being able to see everything going on in her kingdom. FLEE.

The Princess

October 3, 2007 at 3:34 am


An admin of a Forum should never have reason to read PM’s, it’s none of their business. Yes, it is their site but still it’s wrong… unless they put it in writing in the TOS. Anyone know if it’s in the TOS?

Ah well perhaps after they read this, it will magically appear – get some screenshots people.

October 3, 2007 at 10:37 pm

Sarah van

What an idiot. It’s not “hacking” if you have a paid membership and access to the forum. That is, after all, what you pay MONEY for. If you don’t want to post and instead just use the IM function, that’s your right.

October 5, 2007 at 10:16 pm


What a shame all this has happened. Shame for the members, shame for the dieters, shame for the implicated admins and mods and, yes, shame for kimmer.

Just to state my position: I’m not a kimmer supporter. I am, however, a kimkins supporter. There is no doubt that that regime has helped many people lose weight both at kimmers and at lowcarbfriends.

I won’t sport with anyone’s intelligence by supporting the insupportable however as anyone considered that kimmer herself probably got caught in her own celebrity?

She went from doyen of diet on LCF to Empress Protein on kimkins. A heady ride for anyone, let alone someone who may not be intellectually, emotionally or psychiatrically equipped. Seems to me, she got strapped into the ride as much as anyone.

The fact that she’s now overweight (I do believe that she lost all that weight originally but gained it back, probably through eating to ameliorate the feelings she has about being a criminal) doesn’t take away from the fact that many people have lost, and continue to lose, weight on kimkins.

And people forgotten the years and years she spent on lowcarbfriends tirelessly and pleasantly helping people. It seems incongrous and quite barely believable that she intentionally, five years out, decided to become “kimmer”, the wonder dieter, with the long-term view of $40 per subscriber.

I think she started her own site and voila! it became something extraordinary. From there, she made some really dreadful decisions which culminated in her being America’s No.1 Most Wanted – Internet Division.

Can you imagine the pressure? Even if she has, as has been speculated, a sociopathic personalithy disorder, she must be close to break down or worse.

Her most foolish mistake was to continue to stuff down doughnuts whilst she espoused contrary principals. I can’t even imagine what kind of aridity that produces in a person, although I guess all those subscription fees will should cheer her up!

Had she fessed up and told everyone she’d fallen off the wagon then she wouldn’t be potentially going to gaol.

Tippytoes Blames Members for Health Problems

2 10 2007

This morning, Tippytoes (Jeannie Baitinger) is digging in and trying to explain the changes made to the homepage of the Kimkins website. In it, she lays blame for health problems on those following the Kimkins plans.

Tippytoes wrote:

What happened to Kimmer’s Red Dress Picture?

We are making many new and positive changes to this site every single day. We have chosen to remove the red dress photo and in place use People magazine. Too much contravery surrounds that pic and rather than try to defend its use we have decided to simply replace it. The success stories are still there although someone else did ask me where they went. I checked and they are there. Not sure if this is a tech glitch or not. But I can look further into it. Does anyone else not see them?

I think it was well said previously that Kimkins diet has been abused by some members at their own doings who now point the finger in blame towards us. We are encouraging everyone to not abuse the plans or themselves for weight loss. They don’t have to! Kimkins works beautifully all on its own. We do not promote starvation, laxitive abuse or any of the like and we are making this clear. There will always be room for improvements and we are always willing to make them. We have even introduced a cycle option as part of the positive change and to help transition towards maintenance later.

We have also removed the cruise info. We have decided that a cruise would present a safety hazzard for Kimkins members as well as staff. However, rest assured we have some new gathering ideas in the works for next year. What we have in mind will be better and will geer more in tuned with Kimkins diets than an all you can eat fest cruise. I have cruised many times and it is not possible in my opinion to not gain some weight. So we are making positive changes in this area as well.

The year 2008 is going to offer a lot of fun for members here. We have a walk for breast cancer coming up and I will be posting more soon. In addition we are considering a fundraiser challenge to benefit Toys For Tots. Members participating would make and pay their own pledges directly to Toys For Tots. There are also talks of a fund raiser coming soon to benefit local low cost animal sterilization services.

So hang tight, my fellow Kimkinettes! Change is GOOD!

I want you all to not be afraid to see positive changes being made. This only means we are here to stay and getting better all the time.


Comments feed for this article

October 2, 2007 at 2:32 pm


“rather than try to defend its use we have decided to simply replace it.”

But of course… much easier just to pretend it never existed.

“There are also talks of a fund raiser coming soon to benefit local low cost animal sterilization services.”

Melt’s contribution to the renovations?

October 2, 2007 at 2:37 pm

Health » Tippytoes Blames Members for Health Problems

[…] unknown wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptIn it, she lays blame for health problems on those following the Kimkins plans. Tippytoes wrote:. What happened to Kimmer’s Red Dress Picture? We are making many new and positive changes to this site every single day. … […]

October 2, 2007 at 2:46 pm


Tippytoes sez: “We are encouraging everyone to not abuse the plans or themselves for weight loss. They don’t have to! Kimkins works beautifully all on its own.”

No need to “abuse” Kimkins. At 500 to 1,000 calories, it’s already starvation!!!

Tippytoes spins: “We have also removed the cruise info. We have decided that a cruise would present a safety hazzard [SIC] for Kimkins members as well as staff.”


Wouldn’t have anything to do with Regandy, the cruise organizer, jumping ship from the sinking good ship Kimtanic, would it? Noooooooooo, of course not!!!

Tippytoes defines: “Kimkinettes!”

Ah, so THAT’S what the remaining smattering of duped sugar-free kool-aid drinking minions are officially called.

Tippytoes pathetically optimistically quips: “The year 2008 is going to offer a lot of fun for members here.”

Yes indeed. The lawsuits, governmental investigations and transitioning former KimkinETTES from starvation to healthful ways of eating is gonna be a friggin’ laugh a minute.

October 2, 2007 at 2:52 pm


“I have cruised many times and it is not possible in my opinion to not gain some weight. So we are making positive changes in this area as well.”

Don’t trust the members to make their own decisions on what they eat? Why not tell the real reason….Heidi still wouldn’t show her face and too many questions were asked about it, so it was decided to just remove all info and hope they’ve banned everyone who knew about Heidi’s refusal.

October 2, 2007 at 3:05 pm


Members abusing the plan and eating low calories against Kimmer” will?
This is typical “blame the victim” abusive thinking.

Anyone who has been around Kimkins for long knows that ultra-low calories was always Kimmer’s intention. It is precisely what makes it Kimkins, not Atkins.

When I was on Boot Camp, exercising, eating an average of 465 calories a day, and stalled, and had the nerve to complain about it and decide to increase my fats, Kimmer’s emailed response was (and i quote):

“Someone can “eat clean” and still be too high in
calories, even if they’re low by other diet standards.

Certainly no one would think 900 calories a day is
“high”, but it’s 3 times as much as someone doing the
Egg White Challenge at 300 calories a day. Weight
loss will be different. Don’t forget people who
dabble in days of fasting, too.

If someone wants to lose “as quickly” as someone else,
maybe it behooves us to see how they did it. Was
their weight loss accomplished by methods we would
want to follow? Many people on this site have a
problem with very low calories and refuse. “

October 2, 2007 at 3:20 pm

Tippytoes Blames Members for Health Problems by

[…] participating would make and pay their own pledges directly to Toys For …article continues at Just Ducky brought to you by and […]

October 2, 2007 at 3:36 pm

Becky Comments About Kimmer Advising Very Low Calorie Intake « Kimkins Exposed

[…] kimkins dangers, kimkins dieting, kimkins exposed In our comments, Becky (former admin Littlebit) commented about Kimmer’s private emails to her regarding very low calorie […]

October 2, 2007 at 3:40 pm


Funny that Tippytoes doesn’t refer to the pic as “Kimmer’s AFTER picture.”

No, it’s referred to as “the red dress picture” because even Jeannie Baitinger, Director of Public Relations for Kimkins doesn’t believe that it could possibly Kimmer’s AFTER picture.

October 2, 2007 at 4:31 pm


The cruise… SAFETY ISSUE? I don’t understand.

OH …. yeah…. must have SOME kind of answer even if it is “made up”. I guess some people just create answers and repeat them often enough that they begin to believe it themselves.

Just ANOTHER reason to get away from anything that has to do with that place.

If they will lie about one thing, they will lie about all things.

October 2, 2007 at 4:42 pm


I am sick beyond words that Tippy would put the blame on the members for taking the diet to extremes. The extreme nature of this diet was carefully coached and taught by Kimmer herself. The following is a direct copy of Kimmer’s words to a newbie. I have the screen shot to back this up if it is ever needed.

Member asks Kimmer:
I’m new here – just started yesterday.

Which plan is designed for the fastest weight loss results?

I’m on KE and don’t have a problem with it. I was looking at Boot Camp and wondering is it’s designed for quicker weight loss results?


Kimmer’s response:
The very fastest would be the Meal Replacement Shake option because there’s no chance of messing up. 450 calories a day, that’s it.

Second is Boot Camp because the protein and salads are limited, but someone could still pick a higher calorie protein by accident.

K/E was originally the fastest, but it’s not always anymore because some people tend to be creative about what a “lean” protein is plus overeating with too big portions or small snacks all day .

Kimkins is the slowest and still way faster than any other non-Kimkins plan except water fasting.

Another Member asks:
Hi Kimmer

You just posted a relpy that the Replacement Shake option is 450 caloris a day but when I look at the plan under KIMKINS Diet Plans it says 800 calories a day. Which is correct?

Kimmer’s response:
It would be 800 if you choose 200 calorie shakes and 4 per day. Personally, as long as I’m doing shakes (which are not incredibly exciting anyway), I’d find a 150 calorie version and limit to 3 (skipping a snack shake).

But I’m impatient.

October 2, 2007 at 5:03 pm


“A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory”

OMG more fund raisers? No cruise scheduled because of safety issues?

October 2, 2007 at 5:05 pm


So, this morning Yahoo greeted me with these articles:;_ylt=AtuWsn6WiXWM8xqU5xWQeuka788F

Mmmmmmmm I smell Kimkins in those guidelines…

October 2, 2007 at 5:17 pm

Kimmer’s/Heidi’s minions at their best « All about Kimkins & more

[…] Kimmer’s/Heidi’s minions at their best October 2nd, 2007 Kimkins Exposed : TippyToes blames Members for health problems […]

October 2, 2007 at 5:26 pm


“There are also talks of a fund raiser coming soon to benefit local low cost animal sterilization services.”

This really makes me laugh after Melt/Kimmer PM about animals. 🙂

October 2, 2007 at 6:16 pm


I can’t believe this. Back in June when I posted on that site I was having “potty problems” I was told to try Exlax by several memebers and Kimmer. Becky Lil Bit came through with the suggestion of Smooth Move tea, which is herbal. I went with Becky’s suggestion and another one of two stalks of celery a day…that worked. ’cause I know that Exlax used on a regular basis can really mess you up big time.
But until people started complaining, they were promoting laxatives as a way of life. It seem to me that when I first joined, all people were eating on that site were eggwhites and Exlax. Back in my 20’s, I went on an Exlax, Dr. Pepper, M&M’s and cigerette diet for about a month, Lost tons of weight.
Man, I need to get me a web site and start sellin’ that. It was way more fun than egg whites and Exlax.

So, Tippy, your plan use to promote laxative use. Which attorney told you to stop?
And fundraisers? Man, that’s great. I guess getting $59.95 one time out of members isn’t good enough. “fund raisers” for the Pad My Pocket foundation. I’ll pass thank you.

October 2, 2007 at 6:36 pm


To top it all off SingingAss needs to learn to spell. Or edit. That was painful to read.

October 2, 2007 at 6:39 pm


This post made me so angry!! This was my reply on the site with my goodbye.

Too much controversy surrounding the red dress???? Are you kidding me??? Why not fix this then????? There should be NO controversy!!! FIX THIS by proving what is real! I don’t understand what the problem is. If the picture is Kimmer then PROVE IT! Why all the secrets, changes, drama, and lies??? WHY??? I have been around since the beginning on LCF. I was one of the first 20 members of Kimkins when all was hailed…”isn’t it nice to be on a site where you can speak freely and not have PM’s read and posts changed/deleted” WTF? This place is worse than LCF EVER was. What is wrong with you crazy people?? This is a nut house now. I can’t believe what has happened to this place. I feel so sad for the members who don’t understand that all of this change is a horrible sign. I am so sad it has come to this.

Goodbye all and good luck to finding what works for you!

October 2, 2007 at 6:43 pm


Oh, and yes I was banned for this post LOL!

October 2, 2007 at 9:06 pm

Princess Dieter

There is no limit to Tippy Toes’ reprehensible twisting of actual experiences and reality. Dang, that’s some shiny 30 pieces of silver there, Tips.

Controversy and the red dress? hahaha There would be no controversy if it was Kimmer, now would there be? The controversy is that it’s NOT.

And all that site scrubbing. Did you get all those Kimmer posts urging people to eat less, less, less and take laxatives? Did you?

And the members to blame? Boy. For someone who doesn’t follow the plan, you have some nerve judging those who DID in good faith.

You know, some people really do need to go down hard with the ship and captain…

So glad Christin and others are out there to put the lie to Tipper’s propaganda.

The Princess

October 2, 2007 at 9:52 pm


“the red dress picture”

Why not say the “picture of Kimmer” LMAO…..

What a freakin JOKE!!!!

No cruise because there is food on it ROFLMAO…..

it just gets better everytime….the lies, the twists, the stupidity LOL

October 2, 2007 at 10:55 pm


“We have decided that a cruise would present a safety hazzard for Kimkins members as well as staff”

WTF lol. Oh and would someone PLEASE buy TT a friggen dictionary (and teach her how to use it).

October 2, 2007 at 11:56 pm

Round-up Review « Kimkins Scam

[…] Tippytoes Blames Members for Health Problems « Kimkins Exposed […]

October 3, 2007 at 7:36 am


Tippy – you’re a bitch!
Name Email Website
Your comment

Tippytoes Claims Anyone Exposing Kimkins is a Terrorist

1 10 2007

Tippytoes (Jeannie Baitinger) posted in Kimkins moments ago:

Re:Heads Up

I just have to say it is very bad out there. This has turned out to be a very active hate group. I see no difference in this hate as any other hate, be it for blacks, hispanics, against abortion or whatever. This hate group is snowballing into a larger group all of the time. Thier intimidation and scare tactis are not only unreasonable but quite illegal.

If you have been threatened or intimidated by this group please notify your local authorities and us. These are acts of terrorism.

If you see posts being copied and passed to other sites, please notify me.


Comments feed for this article

October 1, 2007 at 3:00 pm

Kimkins Dangers

The best thing Tippy could ever have done.. get Homeland Security involved in this and watch how fast Kimkins disappears.. lol That Tippy doesn’t think, does she. lol

October 1, 2007 at 3:11 pm


Isn’t TT the one who sent threats, REAL threats, to Dottie that included mention of her kids?

Pot? Kettle? I haven’t seen any of us making threats…stating actions we are taking, but threats? I don’t think so.

October 1, 2007 at 3:14 pm


“Thier intimidation and scare tactis are not only unreasonable but quite illegal.

If you have been threatened or intimidated by this group please notify your local authorities and us. These are acts of terrorism.

If you see posts being copied and passed to other sites, please notify me.”

First of all… its THEIR not thier, use spellcheck!

October 1, 2007 at 3:17 pm


“Thier intimidation and scare tactis are not only unreasonable but quite illegal.

If you have been threatened or intimidated by this group please notify your local authorities and us. These are acts of terrorism.

If you see posts being copied and passed to other sites, please notify me.”

First of all… its THEIR not thier, use spellcheck!

Next… Your perception on what I legal and illegal is as questionable as your motives. You think it illegal to comment on a morbidly obese woman who passes herself off as a successful diet guru, using pictures that don’t even look like her or each other that that matter, lol, and that this woman FRAUDLENTLY collected what is esimated to be millions of dollars from unsuspecting people. You think it is illegal to expose this Kimmer? Give me a break. Get some serious help, professionally.

October 1, 2007 at 3:34 pm


Hey Tippy! Consider this notification!

Long live JUSTICE!!!

October 1, 2007 at 3:44 pm


Tippy’s right. I’m a terrorist.

October 1, 2007 at 3:47 pm


Umm… it’s snowballing into a bigger and bigger group all of the time because more and more people are waking up to the fact that Kimmer and her admins (TT) are thieves, and liars. Everyone wakes up eventually.

October 1, 2007 at 3:50 pm

Violet Skye

WTF??? Tippykins, maybe it’s time to take a walk outside or a power-nap. I think you’ve been logging a bit too much time as an admin and it’s taking its toll on your sense of proportion.

October 1, 2007 at 4:23 pm


Its snowballing into a bigger goup is because Kimkins is getting exposed as the scam that it is. More people are being educated about Heidi Diaz, Tippy Toes a.k.a. Jeannie Baitinger for the scam artists, liars and thieves that they are. Sweet victory will be when they are behind bars.

October 1, 2007 at 4:30 pm


I think TT needs to get some legal advice ….. what we are doing is not considered illegal. TT, extortion/threats on your part towards the LCF administrators is very questionable.. and I would be frightened if I were you.

We have all been defrauded and scammed. If you feel the heat is escalating, my suggestion is to run (not walk) away from KK’s site before it’s too late (and that is not a threat), just a caring suggestion. Please please distance yourself from her. No amount of money that she is possibly paying you is worth being her employee. You don’t want to end up being the “fall” guy in all of this.

October 1, 2007 at 4:33 pm

Princess Dieter

Excuse me? Blowing up people with a car bomb is terrorism. Passing anthrax around in the mail is terrorism. Setting fire to churches and temples to intimidate and kill is terrorism.

Exposing dangerous diets and possible commercial fraud is not terrorism.

If Tippy is so concerned about illegalities, maybe she should investigate her boss and make sure that’s all clean and nice and on the up and up.

Oh, right. Her boss is PAYING her for this “public relations.”

I hope the mass of Kimkinites still over there see Tippy’s statement for the offense it is to victims of real terrorism.

Tippy, one phrase: 9-11

Look it up if you have forgotten.

The Princess

October 1, 2007 at 4:39 pm

Concerned about kimkins

Yes, Tippy, glad to see you are getting an “edumifcation” Stupid ass. Why don’t you research internet fraud. Why don’t you see what you are responsible for, in raising money for a fake charity? Bet you a dollar me calling Heidi fat will be far less important than you screwing people out of money.

Tippy=hillbilly douchebag!

October 1, 2007 at 4:43 pm


This was just posted up at KK as an example of the threatening emails that they have received there.
The poster then put comments after the threatening email that they were sharing. I think it is safe to say that the same person who wrote the comments also wrote the email. No screen names were used to protect the Identity of the poster…umm..but none needed.

“We kzuw wko u r axd tke eivl u r diong. Us dcuks woll sotp at ntohnig utikl Kimkins hws foleln! We arre innakttnig a waar of teriror!!
Qacuk Qacuk.”

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!. At lseat Mssis awlyas is syanig how ipmorantt it is to msot.

Ok…yes I am kidding… but you know the PR department could have written this!! 🙂


Edited to bold that this is a joke.

October 1, 2007 at 4:52 pm


She’s lost it.

October 1, 2007 at 4:53 pm


“Isn’t TT the one who sent threats, REAL threats, to Dottie that included mention of her kids?”

Yes, and she also sent a similar threat to Melly, one of the chat admins.

Ephesians 5:11 Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, rebuke and expose them.

October 1, 2007 at 5:22 pm

Healthy LCer

From JWC:


Current Threat Level VERY YELLOW


We have received credible information that there is an errant flock of yellow ducks roaming the streets of Corona, California in search of a skinny woman in a red dress. Following close behind the loudly quacking flock, are packs of small kittens and puppies hissing and snarling in unison, although some were observed smiling and winking as well. No one has been able to locate said skinny woman in red dress, so it is possible she has become duck food.

It has been reported that a somewhat larger woman in white stretch pants was seen running towards the airport followed by a rather tipsy female meandering recklessly as she tries to find new words in the dictionary. A third woman was observed staring intently into a crystal ball and screaming, “The ducks are coming, the ducks are coming!” Another follower was observed melting into the pavement reminiscent of the Wicked Witch of the West fame. The female in white stretch pants was then observed trying to obliterate the footprints behind her, but this did not seem to deter the flock of duck bills snapping at her heals.

It is critical that all who have reason to fear ducks, kittens, and puppies, should be on the lookout for these grave terroristic threats. In mass, quacking duckbills can be very effective weapons. Given enough quacks the world is sure to listen.

October 1, 2007 at 5:34 pm


Clearing that up: My email was from Kimmer, not TT. I haven’t had any contact with Tippy except a PM before her cruise asking about how to search for something at LCF.

October 1, 2007 at 5:42 pm


Posted by a KK member in response to TT’s post and deleted in rapid time:

I’m sorry, but I consider this to be highly offensive content. I live in Oklahoma, and was the news director for an all-news radio station at the time of the Murrah bombing in Oklahoma City. I know what terrorism looks like (smells like, feels like, sounds like) — and what’s going on the other sites ain’t it! Furthermore, to equate people who happen to be critical of Kimkins at other sites with neo-Nazi groups, the KKK or other extremists is ludicrous and insulting, and demonstrates a complete disregard for how truly dangerous an honest-to-goodness terrorist or hate group truly is. That comparison is completely inappropriate and ignorant.

Apparently, though, there’s no shred of free speech left here — if your thoughts don’t comply with what is considered to be “in line” with the “approved thinking”, you’re gone. . .

So ban away, Tippy Toes. Even though I haven’t said anything _object_ionable, I haven’t posted anything offensive, I haven’t included _link_s to “inappropriate” blogs, you’ll ban me because my opinion differs from yours.

And for anyone who reads this before it gets deleted and I get tossed, be aware that your health is your business — but you should be highly suspicious of anyplace that dictates to you what you can and can’t read or write.

And for the record, I have not copied any posts or PMs to other sites — my choice to leave Kimkins was mine, and I don’t believe that it is acceptable to “out” other people because they don’t agree with me. . . unlike some. I might choose to post this post someplace else, but it’s mine — and as the author, I have the right to use my words as I please.

I will continue to participate in other forums at other sites, where discussion can be freely held and honest but respectful communication is more important than the specific dogma of whatever WOE you choose. I’m not recruiting; you’re all grown-ups and can make your own choices — and I choose to go elsewhere.


October 1, 2007 at 5:54 pm


Two words for Tippy: Desparate. Pathetic.

October 1, 2007 at 6:00 pm


Yo Hidey!!!!

Are you embarrassed yet by Tippy making a complete moron of herself? Honestly woman, I gave you credit for more smarts than to have an idiot like this onboard at KK. Good grief. Terrorists. Someone quick – ALERT THE MEDIA.

October 1, 2007 at 6:15 pm


I have 2 words for Tippy too: Fruit loop.

October 1, 2007 at 6:26 pm

The New Posts Roundup « Kimkins Scam

[…] Tippytoes Claims Anyone Exposing Kimkins is a Terrorist « Kimkins Exposed […]

October 1, 2007 at 6:28 pm


This is a pathetic tactic to scare those involved. You’d think being from the south she’d remeber that tactic of claiming federal law violations didn’t work against the civil rights boycotters in Alabama as the US supreme court ruled in their favor.

October 1, 2007 at 6:51 pm


She sure scared me. I guess they are going to apply the patriot act now that we have been branded as terrorists. LMAO.

October 1, 2007 at 6:51 pm


Kimmer has fled the asylum and left the “patients” in charge.

October 1, 2007 at 6:53 pm


Now that we are branded as terrorists, maybe melt will like us better…

October 1, 2007 at 7:29 pm

Concerned about kimkins

2big, everything you just said I assure you went RIGHT OVER that hillbilly’s head. Are you kidding me? You think Tippy would know anything about civil rights, she’s still trying to figure out how to type/spell properly. Tippy is a moron, and the fact that she is the “Spokesperson/spokeshillbilly” for Kimkins, is AWESOME, it just helps those of us trying to out the company. When this hits that national media, they are gonna have a day with Tippy’s moronic ramblings. Ahhhh victory will be sweet. 🙂

October 1, 2007 at 7:33 pm


October 1st, 2007 at 6:51 pm
Kimmer has fled the asylum and left the “patients” in charge.

That’s what I’m wondering, too. When was the last time Kimmer shows online or posted?

October 1, 2007 at 8:23 pm


“I just have to say it is very bad out there. This has turned out to be a very active hate group. I see no difference in this hate as any other hate, be it for blacks, hispanics, against abortion or whatever. This hate group is snowballing into a larger group all of the time. Thier intimidation and scare tactis are not only unreasonable but quite illegal.”

That was the most professional statement I have ever heard…
…coming from a hillbilly.

“If you have been threatened or intimidated by this group please notify your local authorities and us. These are acts of terrorism.”

In other words…Please, let me copy exactly what the haters are telling everyone to do by contacting your authorities because I have no brain to think on my own.
And let me call it terrorism in hopes I will stir some poor sensitive soul’s heart.
Bush is sending some troops to that hater website to take care of them KK-haters, ye hear?

Ahhhhhhhhahahah I can hear her in my head.

“If you see posts being copied and passed to other sites, please notify me.”

….so I can run to Heidi and be a good admin and get a good raise.

October 1, 2007 at 8:23 pm

Princess Dieter

Where, oh where, could Kimmer have funneled those accumulated membership fees in the hundreds of thousands….?

Someplace sunny where diet soda, wigs, white stretch pants, and #2 specials are bountiful, I suppose.

and theTruth–Melt doesnt’ like anybody but Melt and her boytoys, and maybe not even them. So, deal with it. Sniff.

The Princess

October 1, 2007 at 8:26 pm


From Tippy at KK’s

Re:Heads Up 11 Minutes ago
They say they do not understand how the tactics could be considered terrorism. So for them here it is, straight from Webster’s dictonary: “Terrorism. the use of force or threats to intimidate”. This would include the attack launched by Ducky towards KimATC, threatening to post info about her children if she didn’t quit within a time limit set by them. This would also include SingingLass’s real name, address and phone number being posted with reference seeking those who live near her to “get her”. She has recieved major threats by telephone including death threats. They have suggested that if she has children they are in danger. This IS terrorism and this MUST be stopped.

Report terrorism to your local authorities. Print the threats and date. And contact us.
Please note, although no boardcode and smiley buttons are shown, they are still useable


Anyone with half a brain cell working can look back and see clearly that we never threatened to post about KimATC’s children. Her profile on Kimkins included her children’s names and when that was removed from KimATC’s profile on Kimkins Meet Your Team page, their names were promptly removed here too (and stated as such). All information posted about SingingLass is from public records and her own posts online. No threats, real or imagined, were made to “get her” in our post. Tippytoes keep digging that hole you’ve got going there!

October 1, 2007 at 8:29 pm



It show Kimmer was on today!

October 1, 2007 at 8:41 pm

Kimkins Dangers

Making false accusations that someone is a terrorist is illegal, ftw.

October 1, 2007 at 9:12 pm

Concerned about kimkins

So ducky does this mean Tippy is walking straight into a defamation case from ya’ll now. I’m saying you should sue her too. She’s fully moronic! God Tippy keep typing please, I’m loving how ignorant you continue to be!!!!

October 1, 2007 at 9:19 pm


I think TT has made it clear that she should be the next target. And before I get called a TERRORIST, I mean she should be held liable for knowingly getting involved in a fraud and then bending over backwards to cover it up.

And you just know TT is loving this btw. She just wants to be in the spotlight. She is obviously an attention-who…..I mean attention-hound.

October 1, 2007 at 9:51 pm


The paranoia must REALLY be setting in…they are imagining terrorists now LMAO!

Maybe Tippy hasnt heard of public record? As I said before, not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

in Heidi’s words….”Tippy, get a diet buddy, and no stress eating!” LOL.

October 1, 2007 at 10:29 pm


“We kzuw wko u r axd tke eivl u r diong. Us dcuks woll sotp at ntohnig utikl Kimkins hws foleln! We arre innakttnig a waar of teriror!!
Qacuk Qacuk.”<<<<<<<<<<<<

I read this at work today and just started giggling SO hard!!!

What a hoot it would be if we came up with our own little duck language that Heidi and her crew couldn’t understand, then we could post in all the blogs using it!!! ROFLMAO!!!

October 2, 2007 at 6:46 am


In the interest of public service I shal post a translation for the rednecks out there:

“Re:Heads Up ah jest hafta say it is mighty bad out thar. This hyar has turned out t’be a mighty ackive hate group. ah see no difference in this hyar hate as enny other hate, be it fo’ blacks, hispanics, aginst abo’shun o’ whutevah. This hyar hate group is snowballin’ into a larger group all of th’ time. Thier intimidashun an’ scare tackis is not only unreasonable but quite illegal, ah reckon. Eff’n yo’ haf been thrett uped o’ intimidated by this hyar group please notify yer local autho’ities an’ us. These is acks of terro’ism, dawgone it. Eff’n yo’ see posts bein’ copied an’ passed t’other sites, please notify me.”

October 2, 2007 at 8:31 am


antikimkins said, “…language that Heidi and her crew couldn’t understand…”

That language already exists, and is in widespread use across the blogs of Duckdom. That language is Truth. Heidi and her crew cannot understand this language. They’ll never crack the code.

Important Links

1 10 2007

Sign the petition
Request for Kimkins Investigation Petition
This petition goes to the Federal Trade Commission, Better Business Bureau, and the California Attorney General.

Contact the Federal Trade Commission
Federal Trade Commission – Offices and Bureaus
The FTC enters Internet, telemarketing, identity theft and other fraud-related complaints into Consumer Sentinel®, a secure, online database available to hundreds of civil and criminal law enforcement agencies worldwide.

Internet Crime Complaint Center
The IC3 is co-sponsored by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)

Kimkinslawsuit’s Weblog

IRS tax fraud
To make a report to the IRS that Heidi Diaz may be committing tax fraud-
How Do You Report Suspected Tax Fraud Activity?

To do a review at the Better Business Bureau
Company Report
If you feel that Kimkins/Kimmer/Heidi Diaz has not been truthful in advertising and is dangerous. You may also wish to file a complaint (after posting a review) if it is appropriate to your situation.

Have a Ducky Weekend

29 09 2007

Friends, Romans, Countrymen…

Wait, that is someone else’s speech!

In the interest of preserving our energies to continue to bring the truth out about Kimkins to the world, we are taking a weekend break.

To relax, unwind and enjoy time with our families.

We suggest those following the story do the same. All Kimmer/Kimkins all the time is simply not good for the soul.

Take a break. Get out into the sunshine, take time with your families, have some fun.

Nothing is going to happen over the weekend. Really.

Be well and we’ll see you again on Monday!


Comments feed for this article

September 29, 2007 at 3:52 pm


Have a great weekend Ducky!

September 29, 2007 at 4:07 pm

Healthy LCer

Great idea, Ducky. We all need a breather. Good day for raking leaves.

September 29, 2007 at 4:51 pm


I for one will miss you this weekend Ducky.

September 29, 2007 at 5:02 pm

NO Kimkins

I’m sure you’ll be back Monday with an explosive BOMBSHELL and I for one am looking forward to it!

September 29, 2007 at 6:14 pm

Lisa J

I agree!
Have a great weekend all!!!!

September 30, 2007 at 12:43 am

La Mesa

Have a great weekend…you deserve a wonderful and relaxing time!

September 30, 2007 at 2:00 am


Time to pay the piper… 14 Minutes ago
Kimmer, Heidi Diaz, Kim Drake and any other aliases you may be using as you scurry under what now must be a very large rock (in light of recently revealed photos) you hide under.

You, my friend are a real piece of work. You must really despise yourself or are one very sick individual to prey upon the weaknesses and vulnerability of the people that were attracted to your advice and website. Do you realize if you had put as much effort and thought into a legitimate and legal business purpose that you had with this plan of deception of yours, that all you are now facing (or will very soon be facing) would not even be an issue? Your condescending tone and belittling of others shows very clearly what you really think of yourself. Since you so obviously couldn’t change your inside or your outside you chose instead to prey upon these so-willing victims and in one fell swoop, strip them of their money and their dignity. Your obvious self-hatred is really very sad. I hope you get the two things you most deserve, the immediate help from a mental health professional and your day in a court of law. Please keep my $14.95 membership fee, as I am sure you will need it for a large attorney retainer, that or a one-way ticket out of the country.

Come out from behind the curtain Mr. Wizard…Emerald City is about to fall….

This posted at kimkins tonight!!

October 1, 2007 at 6:26 am


Well I guess we know what Tippy was up to this weekend. Check out the new home page of Kimkins. (Warning: You’ll need a barf bag)

I hope Cartbabe can be notified plus I think the legal department of People Magazine needs to know that their logo has been cut and pasted into Kimkins advertising. Tippy I hope for your sake (well not really) that you actually had enough brains to get their express written permission to do this. You see…in the world of advertising it is illegal to use a copyrighted logo in your own advertising, without permission from that company, which …well, is pretty much impossible to get from as large a corporation as this.

Oh and notice how the “miracle woman” herself has been scrubbed off and any mention of her from the front page. No more red dress pic and no more mention of Kimmer and her amazing 198 lb weight loss.

October 1, 2007 at 12:40 pm


“Oh and notice how the “miracle woman” herself has been scrubbed off and any mention of her from the front page. No more red dress pic and no more mention of Kimmer and her amazing 198 lb weight loss.”

Makes you wonder if she’s even there anymore…

October 1, 2007 at 2:26 pm


I have a subscription to People and I’m almost postive that there was no mention of Kimkins in that magazine. I could be wrong, but that would have stood out to me. I’m going to check and see if I still have that magazine and double check.

Another change to the Kimkins site: If you click on the 10 reasons to join, they aren’t listed anymore, you have to give your name and e-mail and they are sent to you.

Anybody else see this as the website crumbling? Does TT see Heidi taking herself away from this more and more and that means TT is going to be left holding the bag?

Kimkins Members Stealth Goodbyes Stay Under Admin Radar

28 09 2007

Member 1 wrote:

NAME, Thank you so much for posting this!! I was just going to do this same thing. I can’t let NAME go through this. If you don’t remember me I was the one who left a few weeks ago, because I just didn’t feel right about this diet, but I just wanted to come back to you all and let you know the health risks. Also check out Deni’s site as well at The Open Bench I too was craving peanuts like crazy and vanilla milkshakes. My body was craving fat and calcium. I also was obsessed with the scale like you. All things in moderation and exercise is my new motto. Did you notice that Kimmer took out the forum where people could vent about this diet. It is gone now, what does that tell you about her. She is getting scared and I just wanted to inform all of you. I will probably be kicked out for saying these things, but it is worth it to save you all the health risks associated with this diet. Love always, NAME

Member 2 wrote:

Good Morning,
It is with a heavy heart that I write this. After much prayer and soul searching, I feel that I must leave. There are many reason for my decision, some of which are the unethical things that have been going on, and the recent account that people are having major health problems. While I am grateful for meeting such wonderful people and I have learned a lot about myself and my eating habits, I don’t feel I can stay. I would love to stay in touch with you guys and keep the support and friendships that we have built together.
You can email me at EMAIL

Thanks for all the support and I hope to hear from you.

Member 3 wrote:

NAME – I was asked before in PM’s etc., how I felt about this diet and the ************. I rationalized and said it was best to get the weight off – basically no matter the cost…..Please forgive me! I was wrong. Please watch this video. It says it all! I thoroughly concur. I too, have the same symptons and issues. I have developed anorexic symptons – yes, I’m thinner – but at what cost to my heart and body. Please be wise and listen to your bodies. The Journey.

Wink! Smi

Jimmy Moore Follows Up on Christin’s Story

28 09 2007

Please note, the following is a repost from Livin’ La Vida Low Carb. We have edited to remove graphics and embedded video.

Kimkins cover girl: “I was wrong…Kimkins is not the way to lose weight”

It takes a very special person to publicly admit when they were wrong about something even after multiple warnings and concerns shared by those around them. And yet that is exactly what has happened this week when Kimkins Woman’s World cover girl Christin delivered an impassioned video apology at her blog along with a detailed explanation of the health complications she and others have suffered since beginning the risky low-carb imposter diet scheme devised by a morbidly obese woman named Heidi Diaz.

I blogged about my concerns over the Kimkins fiasco that culminated earlier this week when this beautiful young woman had to be rushed to the emergency room because of some pain in her chest and heart complications. When you hear something like this happening that was brought on by such an extreme low-fat/low-calorie diet like Kimkins, it should make you angry. AND I AM ANGRY ABOUT IT!

To anyone who is still on the Kimkins diet, CHRISTIN has a message just for YOU (link to video)

Show your support for and encouragement to Christin by leaving a comment about this video at her “The Journey On” blog. What a brave woman she is and I am honored to know her as a friend. She has demonstrated nothing but grace, elegance, and dignity in the midst of what has become a complete and utter nightmare for so many of us in the low-carb community concerning this Kimkins debacle.

For the sake of those who cannot view the video, the following is a summary of the video, including direct quotes made by Christin regarding her experience following the Kimkins diet. Be prepared to be shocked and stunned as she shares quite openly about the negative impact this weight loss fraud has had and may continue to have on her health. Pray for her even now as she seeks to reverse the damage that has been done.

Christin said she did this video so that others would “know exactly where I stand on this.” She explained why most people choose to lose weight: to improve their health. Period! When you are 100+ pounds overweight, then you are not living healthy, she noted.

She chose the Kimkins program because she “wanted to lose weight quickly and I thought healthfully” because she “wanted more for my life.” She wanted to “be there” for her family in the years to come. I think all of us who have ever gone on a weight loss plan can relate to that.

When she first began, the program was working great for her because “I was following the program exactly as written. I thought I was doing perfectly.” But after losing 100 pounds in five months, Christin then conspicuously noticed there was not one single doctor who approved the Kimkins diet. That’s when she started looking into who Heidi Diaz, aka Kimmer, really was and what she claimed to be.

Diaz had alleged in the marketing of Kimkins that she lost 198 pounds in 11 months on this Kimkins diet and was promoting it that way to anyone who would listen with supposed pictures to prove it. But it was this recent series of articles that included recent photographs of Diaz along with several other sites that made Christin become concerned and realize that those claims by Diaz were simply “not true.”

“Heidi did not lose the weight, she did not follow this program that she claims is safe for anybody, even for diabetics,” Christin said.

Then Christin turned in her video to the “risks” of being on the Kimkins diet that she discovered first-hand while following the program. She said she has real “concerns for everyone else that has attempted this program or will attempt this program.”

That includes first and foremost hair loss. Christin admitted that her hair “started fall out in handfuls” and it “scared” her. She estimates she has lost as much as 60 percent of what used to be “thick, full hair” prior to her Kimkins experience.

“Now it’s very thin,” she exclaimed.

Another side effect was the loss of her menstrual cycle that she believes happened from “eating so few calories and my body was becoming malnourished.” She said the hair loss and lack of periods are both tell-tale signs of anorexia, an eating disorder where victims literally starve themselves to be thin.

“I believe now the Kimkins diet program promotes a form of anorexia that I don’t know if science has even attempted touch on this yet,” Christin stated. “300 calories a day is not safe weight loss.”

Any dietary change this drastic need to be closely monitored by a doctor just like those who undergo gastric bypass surgery do, she added.

When these symptoms began to show up, Christin went on the Kimkins forums to see if anyone else was losing their hair and female cycle like she was. “What’s going on?” she pleaded to anyone who would listen to her concerns. And Christin said she “saw it come up multiple times” regarding these symptoms she was having in other people, too.

The excuse provided in response to this happening was that it was “perfectly normal and you’re going through a shed. Your body is just losing estrogen.” It was just too coincidental that “almost every other person who kept their calories under 1000 calories, probably more under 700 calories, has lost hair.”

“I don’t want to scare you,” Christin said speaking directly to people who are still following Kimkins, “but I want to bring you into the reality that there is a better way to lose weight.”

Christin asks “are you really doing this?” and urges people to take their diet plan to their doctor for him to examine it. “Take him your Fitday, take him exactly what you are eating, let him see your calorie counts,” she said.

“I’m concerned about you,” Christin pleaded.

Christin says she is sorry for supporting the “dangerous” Kimkins diet

When the time came for Christin to step into the spotlight back in June when the Woman’s World magazine cover story opportunity came up, she said she was “put on a pedestal as the ‘cover girl.’ I was the model, I was the way to do it.” But now she realizes how she was used as a pawn and seeks the mercy of those who trusted and looked up to her.

“I need to ask your forgiveness,” she said. “I’m sorry. I was wrong. Kimkins is not the way to lose weight. Kimkins is dangerous…for your health, it’s dangerous for your psyche.”

But as much as Kimkins hurt Christin up until this point, none of it was as grave as what was happening to her without even realizing it. She had the symptoms of an eating disorder that she admits made her realize she “had a problem” when she was fearful of even consuming some salad out of fear that she’d stall in her weight loss.

“I did not get fat on salad and on healthy vegetables,” Christin explained. “I got fat on sugar and white carbs.”

Getting over the fear of eating was a very difficult mental test for Christin as she now obsessed over every little bite of food she was eating and how it would impact her on the scale. She revealed that she hasn’t met anyone who has been on the Kimkins program who wasn’t “literally scared” to add food back into their diet.

“What kind of a program is it that makes you scared? Weight loss is not about fear, weight loss is about excitement, it’s about joy, it’s about recapturing your life,” Christin shared with a glimmer in her eyes. “It should be a fun journey, not a fearful one.”

And yet fear was exactly what gripped Christin and it would not let go of her.

“If I wasn’t losing everyday, then I began wondering what was wrong with me,” Christin admitted. “Nothing was wrong with me. My body was screaming at me. It was putting the brakes on and telling me you’re going about this the wrong way.”

As a devout Christian, she knew that “God created us to eat healthy foods; vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and yes, even fat.” Christin reiterated that she believes there is “validity to low-carb programs” like Atkins, Protein Power, and the like when they are done the correct way and not the Kimkins way.

“You will provide your body with all of the nutrients that it needs” when you follow low-carb by the book, Christin shared. “God did not create you to starve yourself.”

Outlining the “many dangers within the Kimkins program,” she said that it goes much deeper than just an eating disorder. She said that “something is going on within my body” and that it has been manifested in the form of “flutters” in her heart for the past month.

“Twinges, cramps, aches, all within my chest cavity right around the area of my heart,” Christin expressed, sharing that it all came to a head on Monday when the “severe chest pains…stomach aches, and nausea” were so great she was admitted to the emergency room staying there until late at night.

The doctors examined her with many tests, including an EKG, blood work, chest x-rays, and they kept her at the hospital for several hours to monitor her condition. It’s still unknown what caused the tremendous pain to come on Christin like it did on Monday night, but she was prescribed pain medications and was referred to a cardiologist for an immediate follow-up visit.

That visit to the cardiologist took place on Wednesday who shared several concerns for Christin. With a “more and more serious” look on his face after hearing Christin’s story about her starvation-mode weight loss method compliments of the Kimkins diet, he told her flat out that “our bodies can suffer damage from eating that little.”

After conducting more tests on her, including an EKG, an ECG, blood work, and “lots of listening with the stethoscope,” the cardiologist said he was not concerned about what he called a “normal” low pulse rate of 45 (incidentally, mine is in the upper 40’s since I lost nearly 200 pounds and Christin has experienced a heart rate in the low-to-mid 40’s). Even still, she says she “might get a second opinion on” just to be sure about it.

But there were real concerns that the cardiologist had for Christin, including “possible damage to my heart nodes and valves from malnutrition.” Because of that, he wants to have a sonogram of Christin’s heart to confirm whether or not there is this damage since it was inconclusive from the initial examination. He’s also concerned about some “esophageal spasms” that happen whenever there is a “rapid change in your dietary program and you lose a lot of weight.”

“Things can change on your insides,” Christin quoted the cardiologist as saying, “that it takes it a while to catch up.”

She is now medication for this “distress” with the contractions surrounding her esophagus and trying to rest as her body goes through the healing process.

Speaking passionately and directly to those who still think the Kimkins diet is a safe and effective way to lose weight in a healthy manner, Christin had an extremely clear and articulate message for them.

“If I and my story can stop anyone else from having pain and having the fear that I did that I might have caused even further damage and by attempting to be for my family I hindered my longevity with them–I was scared to death. That ride to the hospital was one of the most fearful ones that I have ever had! My husband was scared at having to face the possibility of losing his wife and his helper and his love,” she recalled from her haunting experience earlier this week.

When they got to the hospital, Christin said she and her husband “prayed together” while holding hands hoping for the best in God’s hands. And that’s something she wants to help others avoid if they will simply listen to what she has to say.

“If I can save any of you from having to go through that, then it is worth it,” Christin concluded.

Speaking about her role as the Public Relations head of Kimkins last month and as the cover girl on the Woman’s World magazine in June, Christin said she did it because she “thought [she] was helping” others as is her heart’s desire.

“It has always been my desire to help people,” she said. “And especially those that I feel a connection with, those who have struggled to lose weight their entire lives, those who have issues with obesity–something that I know all too well.”

Christin said taking on those responsibilities felt like she was “doing my part to give hope, to give assurance, to sympathize and to empathize” with people who were facing the same struggles that she had trying to lose weight. She still has those feelings for people who want to beat their obesity which is why she is still blogging and participating in a low-carb forum again.

“My heart goes out to you because I know what it’s like,” Christin stated. “I know the euphoria of losing weight quickly, but I also know the risks and the dangers involved and I am begging with you now to please listen to your body like I’ve said so many times and do the right thing.”

She added: “There is a right way and a wrong way to lose weight. And I am now convinced that starving yourself and utilizing the Kimkins program in that manner is not the right way.”

Realizing there is still a need for a community for people who desire weight loss the healthy way, Christin said we should all “stand together and learn together” the “correct way to use a low-carb program to make each other healthy, to live a longer life for our loved ones and our families.”

Christin said she’ll be back to blogging again soon and appreciates the friendship and love that has been shown to her through this horrific experience.

“I love you and I’m here for you,” she concluded.

Visit Christin and learn more about her continuing low-carb weight loss journey at her “The Journey On” blog as well as the “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Discussion” forum. And if you would like to contact Woman’s World magazine to let them know about your concerns regarding the Kimkins program, their direct e-mail address is Perhaps if enough of us let them know about Christin and others who have suffered serious health consequences from being on Kimkins, then they may print a retraction.

Becky Continues

27 09 2007

Just moments ago, Becky posted a continuation of Kimkins: The Perfect Storm.

Now, a look at the professional practices of Kimkins.

Kimmer first gave out her brand of diet advice (as well as hair care and skin care tips) for years on Low Carb Friends, which garnered both followers and foes. I am not sure when the idea of her own site first began in her mind, whether it was all a carefully-laid plan, or just an opportunity too good to pass up when it arose. Judging from her track record of not sticking very long with any one thing (whether it be school or work or a relationship), I would guess that it was the latter. My conjecture is that she joined the diet site in all sincerity, hoping to lose weight like anyone else. She probably learned some things and had some initial success, but then, being Kimmer, she just couldn’t help embellishing things a bit, highlighting her successes and ignoring her failings, amplifying it more and more, becoming more extreme over time, as it began to attract some attention. Gradually, the gap between her words and her actions widened, as she could not follow through with her knowledge and intentions, but could not allow herself to back down and admit it, either.

She may have done what many of us have done —- promised herself to get back on track tomorrow, next week, next month, try to be extra strict to make up for it, only to give in to her old ways again. Her real life wasn’t working for her at all — but online she could be the best possible version of herself, everything she every dreamed of, until perhaps she came to believe it herself. The attention and approbation were too addicting.

At some point, it seems, delusion reigned supreme, and there was no backing down. As her claims became more grandiose and her polarizing presence began to dominate and draw heat more and more at the LCF forum, another member, Catherine, approached her with the idea of an ebook and a website to sell it. (Read more here.) I think it was the brass ring, the golden goose, and Kimmer/Heidi grabbed at the opportunity for . Once that thought was there, I do believe Kimmer purposely aggravated her enemies and gathered her fans even more, setting the stage for her big exit. Soon, ‘Kimmer’ flounced off in a huff, and was launched as a partnership between Heidi Diaz, supposed diet guru and Catherine McDonald, tech expert.

In the early days of the Kimkins website, Kimmer seemed to have it all — a successful diet plan, satisfied customers who were easy to please, low overhead, and a competent business partner who made her ideas work. Her departure from LCF calmed down hostilities quite a bit all around, and Kimmer was left to operate her own site in her own little corner of the internet with little interference. If she had made the right moves then, Heidi/Kimmer might possibly have been able to continue on course to a legitimate business success for quite some time to come. However, because Kimmer at her core is a fraud, it was inevitable that any enterprise built on that basis would soon begin to crumble.

Kimmer was not only a fraud in her own personal claims of large, rapid weight loss, but she soon began building the business of Kimkins around fraud at virtually every level — member service, marketing, and management.

~ Fraudulent Member Service: She lied to her members about the safety and efficacy of her diet plans, leading them to believe her plans were safely based on the recognized plans of doctors such as Dr. Atkins and Dr. Stillman, while continuing to push them ever farther away from the cautions and sensible limits of those plans. She assured members it was safe, because, after all, it had worked so well for her, or so she said. She also began to be less and less available to members, despite her promised member benefit of ‘personal coaching‘. She ignored or gave inadequate and misleading answers to valid member concerns. This was because she apparently preferred to spend her energies on marketing, to keep new paying customers coming in the front door while leaving the members mostly on their own to look out for one another.

~ Fraudulent Marketing: In her marketing campaign, she lied to prospective members by spamming Craigslist with fake listings to plug Kimkins, by posting phony ‘articles’ and answers and numerous blogs for Kimkins all over the internet under various names, by promoting Kimkins with false implied celebrity endorsements specifically to target teens, and primarily by posting numerous fraudulent ’success’ stories with ‘lifted’ and photoshopped ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures. She also made numerous claims she had no proof of or right to make, in violation of FTC regulations.

~ Fraudulent Management: Heidi/Kimmer entered into partnership with Catherine originally under false pretenses, and continued to lie to her about many things, including the source of the ‘success stories‘. It also appears that Heidi skimmed a certain part of the gross proceeds from the partnership before profits were split, by funneling income to supposed affiliate accounts which actually led back to her. It is unclear whether proper legal or tax filings were ever made, though it does not appear they were.

In matters big and small, every bit of the Kimkins enterprise was fraught with deception. It was bound to catch up to her sooner or later.

Before too long, Catherine began to have concerns about Heidi’s integrity, and backed out of the partnership. At this point, Kimmer claims to have brought in 4 other partners to finance Catherine’s buyout, but this is highly doubtful. For one thing, one of the partners she claims to have brought in at that time is Heidi Diaz, but photographic and written evidence clearly shows that Kimmer herself is Heidi Diaz. (For example, Kimmer has always acknowledged that Catherine was her partner in the beginning, and Catherine signed the original partnership agreement with Heidi Diaz.) Other names mentioned as possible ‘partners’ include Dennis Sharp (her son), Vanessa Sharp and/or Romero (Vanessa Romero is her niece), Nicki or Nikki Sharp, and Tish Diaz. It is extremely unlikely that these relatives are actually working, decision-making partners as Kimmer leads people to believe. It is possible they put up some money so Heidi could buy out Catherine; it is possible she got money from them under some other pretext; it is very possible they know little or nothing, and she is just using their names to seem like a larger and more legitimate enterprise. Nicki and later Vanessa disappeared from the “Meet Your Team’ roster some time ago, so it is possible they were based on actual people who became aware of the use of their identities, and protested it.

I have seen various things supposedly ‘written’ by some of those names and now Brad Johnson. To me. they all have the same unmistakable writing style, and are all almost surely written by Heidi herself, who freely admits to writing frequently under various male and female names. No one has ever spoken or communicated with any of them, except through Kimmer, and she trotted out the same excuses over and over as to why they were not available. (Usually they were ‘called out of town to deal with a sick father’.) Kimmer herself often spoke to me of doing all affiliate payouts and answering affiliate questions, even though she supposedly had an affiliate manager. These ‘partners’ were probably a construct that Kimmer used to pass blame, as when criticizing someone (’the partners don’t think they are getting their money’s worth’) or floating unpopular ideas (’the partners are pressing to make the fees monthly vs. lifetime membership’, which she brought up to me several times), as well as to provide other ‘identities’ under which to hide income.

In fact, there is no good reason to assume that the entity of Kimkins is anything other than Heidi Diaz sitting at her computer pumping out fraudulent marketing and picking up funds from Paypal and the mailbox, with a tech guy or two working remotely and unaware of the real situation, and paid and unpaid admins and members doing the heavy lifting on the site.

The best of businesses, with a solid business plan and an experienced team of managers would have been hard pressed to absorb the massive explosion of growth that occurred with the Woman’s World magazine feature. Kimmer only had forum helpers with very little knowledge of the true nature of the business; after all, she could not afford to bring anyone into her confidence, because she had too many secrets to hide. So, Heidi was suddenly way out of her league. She was gleeful at the funds rolling in, and foolishly thought she could continue to get away with the same type of scamming indefinitely. She was even in contact with Star magazine for another feature. Who knows? Maybe she even thought she could lose the weight, go legit, and make it work. However, her newfound success soon began to cave in on her.

Once thousands of new members hit the site and began trying to understand and apply the diet, the pressure was too heavy and all the cracks in the foundation soon began to appear. Without the personal mentoring and reinterpretation of the diets that new members had received before, the flaws and gaps in Heidi’s business soon became very evident. Many of those coming in with fresh eyes clearly saw the disparity between what was promised and what was delivered. Many clearly saw the dangers of the diet plans, all of them. Of the 40,000 or more who joined, most never even tried the diet once they actually saw it, and many who did try it did not stick with it long. Meanwhile, all the massive attention the diet was receiving reignited the souldering controversy that she thought she had left behind at LCF. However, Heidi did have two things working in her favor: the misplaced support of people like me who encouraged new members to stick with it, and the absolute sheer desperation of overweight people who had almost given up hope. For my own blindness and supporting role in it, I am sick-to-my-stomach sorry, and beg forgiveness.

At this time, Heidi seemed manic with delight over the income rolling in, and eager to spin off new ventures – more magazine and media features, merchandise, and related enterprises like the nutrition business she offered me. She could hardly be bothered with member support or complaints, and brushed off all concerns as something irrelevant, hardly worthy of her attention, even as worrisome side effects and evidences of her dishonesty mounted. Thus, the round of emails I pressed on her, with the results that we admins began to leave and express our concerns and experiences.

Our exits and warnings further precipitated a rash of blockings and bannings, as other members took up the banner and began speaking out. The business of Kimkins is now woefully in breech of the terms of their agreement with their members, who paid for lifetime membership in a healthy and safe diet followed by a woman who lost 198 lbs in 11 months and maintained it, only to be booted without warning when they complained that the diet was unsafe and the owner’s story was a lie. Members have had ‘privileges’ like private messaging and blog links in their signatures revoked, have been flamed and harangued mercilessly for any hint of breaking ranks,and have been banned without warning, redress, or refund on the vaguest pretext of ‘violation of Terms of Service’, which, like the diet plans and disclaimers, are an ever-moving target, conveniently changed after the fact.

Kimmer had it all — a million dollar website, a great staff, great member loyalty, and great future prospects. And due to great greed, arrogance, and dishonesty she threw it away.

Kimmer is now behaving like a rat backed into a corner, biting and snarling, while looking for a way of to escape unscathed. She is starting to meltdown, trying to cover her tracks and salvage what she can, leaving more of the running of things in the hands of unqualified admins. Perhaps she still thinks she can pull it off, or perhaps she is making her exit plans. As she continues to overestimate herself and underestimate her opponents, she will find, once again, that she has made a grave mistake in waiting too long.

Kimmer is a dangerous fraud, and the business of Kimkins is a dangerous fraud.

Both need to be stopped, and the sooner, the better.


Comments feed for this article

September 27, 2007 at 7:47 pm

Becky Continues by

[…] continues at Just Ducky brought to you by and […]

September 27, 2007 at 7:50 pm


A note about the timeline … correct me if I’m wrong, but from all the digging that’s been done, was set up BEFORE Heidi left LCF.

She had found LCF fertile ground for cultivating a crop of victims, but couldn’t harvest them until (according to the CreditBoard) her bankruptcy and other liens had “timed off.”

In the meantime, she was getting the website ready. When the time-off date had passed, that’s when she left LCF and started charging money for memberships.

This is, to the best of my knowledge, the REAL timeline.

September 27, 2007 at 8:01 pm

Celebrity » Becky Continues

[…] admin wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptKimmer first gave out her brand of diet advice (as well as hair care and skin care tips) for years on Low Carb Friends, which garnered both followers and foes. I am not sure when the idea of her own site first began in her mind, … […]

September 27, 2007 at 8:10 pm


I believe that as a domain name was registered in April. 2006, the big flail-up happened in late May or early June, with site launch very shortly after.

Catherine or Martin would know more.

September 27, 2007 at 8:21 pm


Yes I’m confusing registration of the domain, with opening the board. What I mean is, basically, she was laying the groundwork for the board, preparing, and building up to her dramatic exit from LCF.

As one of the other commenters has stated elsewhere, Heidi isn’t mentally ill — she’s simply evil, and she knows exactly what she’s doing. She’s fully aware of her intentions and her actions, fully capable of outcome-based behaviors.

September 27, 2007 at 9:54 pm

Tam (Kimkins refugee)

Becky (assuming you come back to this blog), after the WW article, was it ever *confirmed* that over 35,000 new members actually paid the life-time membership fee? Confirmed by anyone other than Kimmer, I should say. Did you have access to those types of figures, names and numbers?

I was a member there at the time and, yes, it was mind-boggling with the flood of new members, but close to 40,000? I’ve always had trouble believing that figure. If that’s really the case, the vast majority of them obviously didn’t stick around to post in the forums.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t doubt YOU, Becky. But I can see how Kimmer would exaggerate the numbers just, as you said, “to seem like a larger and more legitimate enterprise.”

If the 40,000 figure is anywhere close to accurate … where are all these people? Those of us protesting here, at ALC, LCF, etc. are just the tip of the iceberg.

September 27, 2007 at 10:19 pm

Princess Dieter

It would be interesting to know when Kimmer-Heidi’s son turned legal age. Maybe THAT is what she was waiting for, since she put the site under his name. If the son turned 18 Spring of 2006, that would definitely put the motivation there…

(Can a 17 yeard old have a site registered under their name? I have no idea.)

And I totally believe she’d be going to LCF to gather her following before heading off.

The Princess

September 27, 2007 at 10:45 pm


Kimmer certainly doesn’t appear to be a millionaire, in fact, she still seems to have money problems. I wonder out of the thousands who joined after the WW article, how many requested refunds within that 24 hour block?

September 27, 2007 at 11:20 pm


Kimmer canceled the 24- hour refund policy prior to the magazine feature. She did give out some refunds from those who joined and cited kidney problems or other medical concerns, once they saw the diet, but very few.

I cannot prove those figures are accurate, but i would not be at all surprised if the membership numbers are not actually higher now.

I know how busy i was. I saw the posts rolling through there. At one time, I had access to member service emails, and she was getting literally thousands of emails a day. I was getting scores of PMs, as were many others. We had thousands online at a time, and hundreds posting intros and joining new challenges every day.

She also became suddenly very elated, and became much more willing to pay for help.

I imagine many signed up, looked at the diets, and left quickly, chalking it up to an expensive lesson learned. Most were not a typical online crowd. Quite a few lurked, but did not post. Many posted, but have dropped out now. Many have gotten banned, or cowed into silence. Still, they paid, and she kept the money.

She only took the membership and online numbers down when she began drawing too much fire from LCF, Slamboard, etc. I believe she wanted to reduce speculation into her gross profits once people started doing the math.

I have heard people say that they would look online and not see many people there back then. Perhaps they were not looking in the right places, because that was not at all the case then. The way the site was set up, the number reflected on a forum index page did not reflect the number actually viewing threads within that particular forum, but only the number of people looking at that index page at the time. You would have to open each thread to get a full count.

Only she knows for sure what her full intake was, but I have reason to believe it was quite high.

She told me she had only put back into the business what was absolutely necessary, and had the rest invested at a 10% rate of return. Who knows if that is true?

I do not believe she planned this out years in advance. I think she posted at LCF first for ego and power, and only later for money. I just don’t see her as someone who can sustain hard work for long without some kind of a payoff, but rather as an opportunist. I could be wrong. Time will tell.

September 28, 2007 at 2:04 am

Tam (Kimkins refugee)

Thank you, Becky, for that insight. I guess I’ve been hoping for lower numbers because that would mean fewer people were scammed, but it looks like she really was/is raking in the big bucks. Thanks again.

September 28, 2007 at 2:47 am


Becky that’s very insightful. I also do not think that this giant “venture” was on her mind when she started out on LCF. Looking back on when she left, I really think she was planning on just getting $$ out of maybe a couple of dozen of her “fans” off LCF, then shutting the site down due to lack of funds (or hitting the members up for more $$ to “run” it).
I don’t really think she had any idea that it would take off in the big way that it did.

September 28, 2007 at 7:15 am

Princess Dieter

I totally believe there was a windfall from WW. That kind of coverage is sure to do that.

And I’m sure H/K knew to keep the money inflow quiet and the lifestyle discreet so as to keep all sorts off her back. Spending oodles would have drawn attention, I think. There is also the miser phenomenon where accumulating the money is the kick, not spending it. In fact, spending it reduces the pleasure of actually having a hoard.

Even if it’s half the reported 40K, that’s a lot of mookah going mostly to ONE woman who is hardly accountable. She got the Paypal and the checks. Why should she be truthful about how much when she’s not truthful about the rest?

And if she can offer Christian a car, then 100K for an Oprah brass ring, trust me, that means she had to have a nice, tidy reserve.

It would only have taken 10K members after WW to get 600K. And if that’s not reported or paid taxes on, that’s a nice chunk for any “disabled” person on government dole.

Didn’t someone say that the son bragged mom had a million in Paypal? (Can’t verify where that came from. Just remember reading it.)

The Princess

September 28, 2007 at 8:31 am


I think you’re right Becky.

September 30, 2007 at 8:12 pm


Why did all the admin. wait until the same time to quit. If you knew the diet was dangerous why did you continue to state otherwise, was it just the money that kept you going. I’m so confused, I continue to do Kimkins but with a higher fat intake since my body stalled and the increase intake helped it to lose quicker. How could so many been individual’s lifes have been put in jeopardy for merely a paycheck. Can you answer that, Becky?

Kimkins Member Doesn’t Hold Back

27 09 2007

Subject: It’s going to be okay
So, probably none of you remember me, but I started KK at the very end of March. I had a marvelous time, met numerous true friends with whom I am still in (near-constant) contact (Hi guys!!) and managed to lose 30 pounds. At this point, I must note that I never cut fat and took every weekend off-plan. So it wasn’t exactly KK that I was doing. But I was very happy and, having never experienced or utilised ketosis before, felt grateful to have found “the plan”.

Once we switched over to the new site, it got a little big for me, so I pretty much gave up posting and just read a little here and there. As I said, I was never militant about the diet (don’t fence me in, baby!), but appreciated being able to return to the forums to keep up with friends.

Once this whole drama started to unfold, I researched enough to form my opinion and decided that I can’t give even tacit support to this plan or it’s founder. I started deleting my posts and saying my goodbyes. And since so many people are carrying on the dialogue so effectively, I might have been persuaded to fade quietly away with no parting message.

Except that one thing is still bothering me.

Months ago, several of us tried to help a woman who was doing her best to follow Kimmer’s plan. She had struggled with eating-disorder-type behavior before, and was having a hard time believing that she could just eat as much as she wanted while getting into ketosis. She would try to see how long she could go without eating and we would remind her that that wasn’t how “the plan” worked.

Apparently she had posted or PM’d to Kimmer, because one day she posted an furious rant in her journal about how we had misled her and Kimmer had set her straight about why she wasn’t losing weight. The whole thing was a little distressing, and there was some confusion about whether she was in ketosis or not, but that was not the part that troubled me the most.

Here is the post in its entirety- the capitals are from the member; she quotes Kimmer’s message in the middle:



[Name], sorry to say but you have to pay the piper. Your weight increase is due to going off plan and overeating. I’ve posted many times that a cheat will set you back 4-7 days — that is, to get back to where you were before the cheat.

No way around it. A good reminder if the idea ever crosses your mind again! Ketosis is a chemical state. Mess with it and all weight loss hell breaks loose!

If someone tells you you’re starving, just do the calculation in your head of how much “food” you have hanging on your body. Multiply fat pounds by 3500. You won’t “starve” until all of those are gone.




This has been bothering me for months.

So here is what I’ve wanted to say about it:

What the heck kind of advice is that, Kimmer?

You won’t starve until all your fat pounds are gone?

That’s nonsense. And we all know it.

This was the Exact Moment that I started to realize that you are not what you say you are.

It’s not just that this woman took you too seriously, or just that she was already predisposed to misinterpret what you were saying.

You actually said: you won’t starve until your fat pounds are gone.

What’s a fat pound, anyway? And which ones?

I don’t want anyone to miss this: you essentially told her that she would be okay to starve her way to goal.

It’s clear from reading the rest of her journal that this poor woman took your punishing advice and was doing her best to Never Eat Again.

I can only think of a few possible reasons why you would instruct a person in this way.

1) You actually haven’t a clue how the body works.
2) You hate or don’t care about the person.
3)You want their money or the authority/recognition/applause more than you actually want to help.
4) All of the above.

Which is it, Kimmer?

What Will She Think of Next?

27 09 2007

Today Tippytoes (Jeannie Baitinger) decided to share, in the Kimkins forums, her reason for sending a threatening email to Low Carb Friends member Melly and her begging others, in her signature on posts in Kimkins forums, to boycott Netrition.

Subject: Question for Tippy

Tippytoes wrote:

Yes I sure did. I have been given admin warning after warning. One was cause I said someone on the fasination thread irritated the beegeevies outta me (naming no single person). The warning said at no time can one member speak badly of another… Yet just look at what they allow to be posted about me. The last warning was because I went into one of my Kimkins friendly threads and found two hateful posts waiting for me. I publically annouced Tom had said this was not to happen and told the others there they did not have to put up with such. I publically asked the admins to move it to the F thread where it belongs. I then hit the triangles on the bottom of each to alert the admins. To my amazement I got another warning for that! It said basically not to tell the admins what to do and to be quiet and let them handle it.

There is more. I have learned who Ducky is and Ducky is in fact two of their chat admins. Comments on The Truth (what a lie, lol) made a reference to my DH needing dental work and that is why I took this job. My DH did need dental work previously and the only ones who would know was people from the last two gatherings. Most of them can be eliminated since he sat at the back table both times and spoke to no one. We did, however, have lunch out twice with the admins and did all talk then. This is how I know who Ducky is. The admins are all trying to cover for one another over Ducky and some things I refuse to mention though I should…

Yesterday I tried to log in and I am banned although I have not posted. I am banned for sending a private email to one of the Ducky teammates. You have all probably seen it by now as posted in The Suppossed truth. I told her she needed to pull the Ducky blog or the next blog would be (her name) Exposed. I assume this is why I am banned.

LCF is not what you think, people. It is not a weight loss website at all. It is a gossip pit. The admins for the most part (not all) gave up trying to lose a long time ago. I have photos as proof but have decided not to display them. Another wrong will not make this right.

All the talk of us being ban button happy and look at what just happened to me. But, I will say one thing. It is LIBERATING! I feel like a baby bird who has been kicked from the nest. Kind of frightened at first but soon to realize all I have to do is spread my wings and I can fly…


Comments feed for this article

September 27, 2007 at 5:32 pm

Kimkins Dangers

“Yesterday I tried to log in and I am banned although I have not posted. I am banned for sending a private email to one of the Ducky teammates. You have all probably seen it by now as posted in The Suppossed truth. I told her she needed to pull the Ducky blog or the next blog would be (her name) Exposed. I assume this is why I am banned.”

So, Tippy admits that she knowingly engaged in blackmail? Great stuff. Saves some legwork tracing the email.

She ain’t too bright, is she? lol

September 27, 2007 at 5:35 pm

Healthy LCer

Melly wrote this and offered to take you to dinner, Ducky..

While I would love to take credit fo Mimi and I being Ducky we both have real jobs that require way too much of our time to dedicate the time it must take to do what Ducky is doing…..but hey Ducky if you are ever in my neighborhood I will buy ya a big ole rib eye for dinner

September 27, 2007 at 5:37 pm


I truly believe we all need to boycott Netrition — but not for the reasons Tippy is using.

We need to demand that Netrition/LCF:
1. cease and desist the sheltering of pro-Kimkins threads and forums
2. permanently ban Heidi and her a.k.a.’s
3. appoint new Admins and Mods who are mature, polite, and fair

September 27, 2007 at 5:37 pm

The Psychic Predicts… « Kimkins Exposed

[…] Tippytoes is sure we’re admins and members from Low Carb Friends. Now, theTRUTH posted private messages […]

September 27, 2007 at 6:17 pm


“September 27th, 2007 at 5:37 pm

I truly believe we all need to boycott Netrition — but not for the reasons Tippy is using.

We need to demand that Netrition/LCF:
1. cease and desist the sheltering of pro-Kimkins threads and forums
2. permanently ban Heidi and her a.k.a.’s
3. appoint new Admins and Mods who are mature, polite, and fair”

Quoted for truth.

September 27, 2007 at 6:31 pm


Kimkins Dangers wrote:
“’Yesterday I tried to log in and I am banned although I have not posted. I am banned for sending a private email to one of the Ducky teammates. You have all probably seen it by now as posted in The Suppossed truth. I told her she needed to pull the Ducky blog or the next blog would be (her name) Exposed. I assume this is why I am banned.’
So, Tippy admits that she knowingly engaged in blackmail? Great stuff. Saves some legwork tracing the email.”

*sigh* She is making this way too easy.

September 27, 2007 at 7:50 pm


I am “mimi” the lowcarb chat admin. I am not Ducky, nor am I involved in the maitenance or contents of this blog. I do not post under “mimi” here, so even if align with her opinions, please realize we are not the same mimis.

I have barely spoken to Tippy in real life. First, I met her in a restaurant, where I sat quite a ways away from her and did not converse with her during our meal. The next day I was at a picnic with her. I never recall talking to or meeting her husband. The following year, I did not attend the LCF Gathering. It is a bit of a strain for me to remember Tippy, we met so briefly. She seems to have done an amazing job with her weightloss, she looks very good to me (however she did it).

Approximately 2+ years later, out of the blue, I’m confronted with stories and accusations that I am involved in some ridiculous scheme to badmouth Tippy. From the moment I arrived on Melly’s thread she seemed very defensive of my warnings about calorie restrictive diets. And that’s okay, I know some people have to make their own mistakes. You wan’t proof? Go back and search through the Support Unlimited thread under my name. The text is right there. Tippy seemed very paranoid that what I was saying was always directed towards her. It was NOT. You can read and decide.

I am busy in my real life. I run my own business and have a second job at the moment. I have found it important to make time to help those who suffer from weight issues through LCF. I post at 1:30 am. most days, because that’s when I get home. If you bother to get to know me, you will know I am more interested in how you tick, than your dental status.

Tippy wants me to be Ducky because she no longer has a premise. When the real Ducky exposes him or herself, will Tippy extend me an apology? Well, Tippy is spreading her wings and flying at the moment…we’ll see when she lands.

September 27, 2007 at 8:07 pm


“The admins for the most part (not all) gave up trying to lose a long time ago.”

This tickles me to no end. ROTFLMAO

“I am banned for sending a private email to one of the Ducky teammates. You have all probably seen it by now as posted in The Suppossed truth. I told her she needed to pull the Ducky blog or the next blog would be (her name) Exposed.”

Maybe you’ll get some leniency from the judge since you’ve owned up to your blackmail.

September 27, 2007 at 9:56 pm


Sounds like theTRUTH is getting to that girl.

“Supposed”? Look, this is why we mostly quote things instead of posting opinion pieces. We don’t twist things or take things out of context, we EXPOSE your own stupid words and comments to the world for scrutiny. Hard to argue with your own words, you corrupt lying b!@#$. But come leave a comment on any part of our site that you deem to be a lie, and we will post those comments. Until then, shut the hell up.

September 27, 2007 at 9:57 pm


Oh, and Ducky isn’t an (Admin at LCF, or even two Admins). I am Ducky.

September 27, 2007 at 10:15 pm


“spread my wings and I can fly…” to jail!

“Comments on The Truth (what a lie, lol) ” so you’re saying the PMs didn’t ever happen?? that s/he didn’t copy and paste exact words?

Hope you’re getting paid enough “Tippy” to make up for all the fraudulence you are helping perpetuate. What are your morals worth, anyway?

September 27, 2007 at 10:28 pm


How stupid is she?

Even if she thinks she can prove that LCF admins knew about her hubby’s teeth…that just may mean they told someone about it and that person told someone and so on…until someone told Ducky.

It doesn’t prove that the LCF admins in question “must” be Ducky, LOL.

She really is as stupid as people have said.

September 27, 2007 at 10:29 pm


Dont be dissing LCF’s just because we don’t take kindly to a pack of lairs LMAO.

In my experience LCF’s is filled with wonderful loving and caring people and fair admins. I hope all the “good” ex Kimkinites come on over 🙂

September 27, 2007 at 11:25 pm


Hey Tippy. I see you on LCF with your sugary sweet advice and “support” I go out of ketosis reading it, it is so syrupy. Hate to tell you cupcake, birds get kicked from the nest, but they don’t all learn to fly. Many hit the ground with a sickening “thud”.

September 28, 2007 at 5:09 am


Mimi, hello. I’m glad to meet you, and can confirm that indeed, you’re not me and I’m not you, LOL

However — if you’re the Admin from LCF who kept putting me on and off moderation every time I so much as uttered a peep in the Fascination thread, and sent me all those unbelievably snotty PM’s, then I really would like to take this opportunity to once again ask you (1) why you seemed to hate my guts even though I was a total newbie and (2) why you treated me with such utter rudeness even though I was doing my best to abide by the TOS — and yes, I re-read that TOS time and time again trying to figure out a reason, any reason, for your snarky behavior.

Of course, if that wasn’t you, but some other Admin there, please excuse my little rant and try to understand why I’m calling for a boycott.

September 28, 2007 at 5:10 am


CR said: “Dont be dissing LCF’s just because we don’t take kindly to a pack of lairs.”

So Heidi and Jeannie aren’t a pack of liars? LCF has sheltered those lies for, what, going on three, four years now?

JessicaBoston Publicly Apologizes

27 09 2007

A former Kimkins admin, JessicaBoston, posted a public apology on Low Carb Discussion.

This is going to be a really, really long post. It’s important to me to include everything, but if you don’t want to read the whole thing, feel free to skip to the bolded parts. I just posted the following to my Kimkins journal, but it’s meant equally for some of you who have already left. I won’t be around for much discussion, since I’m going to need some time to get over all this before I’m ready to post to forums regularly again. (Although it’s tempting now that I see so many of my old friends.)

EDIT: btw, this is jessicaboston

Hi everybody,

I left the Kimkins site a little over a week ago. It was my intention to stay out of forums entirely for a bit while I detoxed from the whole situation and read more outside accounts about what’s going on. I still have a long way to go, but the more I read, the more concerned I became, and after reading so many accounts of how damaging people’s Kimkins experiences have been, I’ve realized that I have some apologies to make.

I’m smart, well-educated, and no stranger to low-carbing, but I still drank the Kimkins kool-aid. When I first joined, I was shocked by how little people were eating, but I ignored the warning bells in the back of my head. I read many accounts in the forums of people who had been on the program for months and were doing well, so I figured that my reservations (starvation mode, etc.) could just be dietary dogma that I’d have to get over, just as I had to get over the “fat is bad for you” and “the food pyramid says you should eat lots of carbs” dogma when I started my low-carb lifestyle years earlier. I decided to try it, and see.

My experience seemed to back that up: I felt good and was losing steadily. I assumed that, because I always listened to my body and ate when I was hungry, what I was doing must be safe. I didn’t experience any side effects, other than occasional sluggishness and grumpiness, but these were normal for me, since I have both reactive hypoglycemia and chronically low blood pressure. They happened more frequently on Kimkins, but they always went away after I had a snack, so I assumed it was just another way my body could let me know it was time to eat, and I always did. I was proud that I had learned to listen closely enough to give my body just the amount that it demanded. I felt good, my skin looked great, I wasn’t losing more hair than usual (I’m a shedder anyway), I was exercising with good stamina (as long as I didn’t do it before breakfast), and my exercises had given me nice muscle tone.

However, it didn’t occur to me that my case might not be typical:
– I ate more fat than many people (kept my blood sugar stable)
– I ate a wide variety of foods from the allowed list
– I tried to eat nutrient-dense foods
– I payed close attention to my body (honored my hunger, kept myself hydrated)
– I got a lot of exercise
– I took my vitamins and supplements religiously
– I cheated frequently

Convinced that my way of doing Kimkins was healthy, I started giving advice in the forums. My intentions were good: to be a part of the supportive community of the forums, and to help people in their weight loss journeys. I tried to give responsible, common sense advice based on listening to your body, but when assumptions are flawed, the conclusions often are too.Which brings me to my first apology:
If following my advice caused you to suffer, whether directly or indirectly, I’m very sorry. Please forgive me.

As I said many times in the forums, I’m a shameless know-it-all. I like to learn things, and I like to talk about them. Because of this, many people came to trust my advice, particularly after I was asked to be an admin. I also tend to sound like I know what I’m talking about. I made a point of identifying what I believed was fact vs. what was based on personal or other people’s experiences, vs. what was my simple opinion, etc., but I don’t know that that was enough. I can see, in hindsight, that sounding like an expert can make people more likely to believe you even if you don’t claim to be an expert and even when you say it’s just your opinion without investigating the matter themselves. And while I do believe that everyone has a responsibility to take advice with a grain of salt, I wish that I had reminded people of that more often.Which brings me to apologies #2 and 3:
If my tone or wording made you feel like you didn’t need to check the facts yourself, I’m very sorry. Please forgive me.

If that failure to check facts caused you to suffer, whether directly or indirectly, I’m very sorry. Please forgive me.

In all of this, the thing that I’m least proud of is the way I censored myself. When my opinion differed from the rules of the diet, from a more experienced admin, or even just from the most common ways of doing the diet, I would often:
– choose not to comment,
– defer to the other authority
– tell the poster that my advice would be against the rules / common practice
(which, I can see in hindsight, would discourage some people from doing taking my advice)
– phrase my suggestions weakly, even when I felt strongly

I self-censored because people were there to do Kimkins, not Jessicakins, and I didn’t want to lead anyone “astray”.Which brings me to apology #4:
If you suffered because my silence, directly or indirectly, I’m very sorry. Please forgive me.

When the controversy really hit the fan, I was hosed. Really, insanely hosed with my personal life, day job, and dance career. I was only managing to keep up with my PMs, missed over half of the discussion on the Admin threads, and rarely managed to participate in the forums. Because everything I had heard about the controversy up until that time had to do with Kimmer’s identity (which I didn’t care about), I didn’t bother to read all the “anti” blogs. I didn’t even discover that other admins had left until days after the fact. It wasn’t until I was contacted by someone who had left (you know who you are, and I am grateful to you) that I even bothered to skim the information available “on the outside”, and so I discovered much later than most people that there was much more to the controversy than the “who is Kimmer” question. If I had educated myself about the controversy sooner, I might have left much earlier than I did.Which brings me to my apology #5:
If my continued presence on the Kimkins site encouraged you to stay, and if that caused you to suffer, whether directly or indirectly, I’m very sorry. Please forgive me.

At the time that I left, my primary issue with Kimkins was all the negativity on the site. This came from two places:
1) All the snarking and flaming, both from the pro- and anti- camps, impaired my weight loss efforts, rather than supporting them.
2) The widespread fear of censorship and banning made me very uncomfortable.

A side note about censorship in the forums:
As I mentioned, I wasn’t very active in the forums during the time I was an admin. As a result, I didn’t see everything that was going on. However, I can say that this conversation from the Admin forums is genuine. I know because I participated in the conversation; I was the admin whose name was removed. I do feel that people have a right to speak their mind in the forums, but at the time that I posted my reply, I had seen very few cases of censorship/banning, and was a newer admin, and so I phrased my concerns “diplomatically”.

Instead of saying “I think banning is wrong”, I chose to phrase it in terms of Kimmer’s own interests: “banning could get you into trouble”. I did this in part because people usually are more open to that than to direct criticism, but also because I didn’t want to rock the boat.Which brings me to apology #6:
I don’t think phasing my objection to banning more strongly would have made a difference, but if hearing it worded more strongly would have prevented another admin from censoring and/or banning you, I’m very sorry. Please forgive me.

(For the record, I never banned or censored anyone. I told Kimmer that I wasn’t comfortable banning people except for threats or obscene content, and asked to abstain. For the record, I also suggested setting specific guidelines for appropriate behavior, a standardized pre-banning process including a series of formal warnings, and making sure that the community was informed of them. Kimmer said that she’d be following through on my suggestions, but it didn’t happen before I left.)

My reasons for leaving are relevant because they are only a small part of why I’m glad I left. As I mentioned, I did most of my reading on the controversy after I left. And what I found has changed my mind about many things.

1) I wasn’t personally abused by Kimmer, and am not aware of being manipulated by her. In fact, she has been nothing but polite to me. However, I have heard too many accounts of abuse and manipulation from former admins that I know and respect, to believe that even half of them are untrue. And half is too many. If you are asked to be an admin, I suggest that you decline. It’s very flattering to be asked, but becoming an admin:
– associates you with every aspect of Kimkins
– puts at least some responsibility for what happens there on your shoulders
– means that you will be asked to censor and/or ban other forum members (although, maybe you could decline like I did)
– is a lot of work (from which Kimmer is profiting, but you are not being paid. To be honest, that still doesn’t bother me, but it does bother some of the others.)
– puts you into an admin environment in which I, at least, did not feel comfortable speaking my mind
– puts you into an admin environment in which many of our beloved “wise elders” felt abused, taken advantage of, and lied to.

2)After hearing the experiences of a large number of people, including many people that I have known, trusted, and respected from the beginning of my Kimkins journey, I have grave concerns about the safety of this program. If you are still on Kimkins, I urge you to switch to something more moderate, or at the very least talk to your doctor immediately. Really. If you can’t get an appointment soon, or if you’re too busy to do that right away, switch to a more moderate plan (Atkins, Weight Watchers, South Beach, whatever) in the interim. And educate yourself about the controversy. I really wish I had done so earlier. Finding the blogs of the admins who have left is not hard. They are not “haters”, they are the wise elders who held our virtual hands and comforted us when we were scared, lonely, or tempted, and who cheered us on when we were doing well.

3) The biggest red flag in all of this is how little I heard about the side effects people were experiencing. Because I only heard of a few cases, I assumed that they were either flukes or happening to people who were taking the program to extremes. Some of my unawareness was definitely due to the fact that I was busy for much of August and September, and less active in the forums, as well as to the fact that I did most of my posting in certain areas of the site (my 2 challenges, the newbies threads, and some work in the cafe).

I have read many reports of side effects were being systematically suppressed and trivialized in the forums, and from what I did see in the forums and what I have read “on the outside”, I strongly, strongly suspect that at least some of them are true. Furthermore, the forum culture at the time of my departure was so polarized that those who reported or even asked about side effects were ridiculed or flamed by other members, including admins. This is not okay. Failing to warn people about even trivial side effects is horribly negligent, and suppressing discussion of it (whether through banning or peer pressure) is unconscionable.

I mention these things both because I think everyone on Kimkins should know about them, but also because they are the motivation for my last apology. When I left, I posted a pretty bland goodbye. Because I hadn’t educated myself thoroughly enough on the controversy, I only had vague suspicions. I chose to leave a bland goodbye based only on what I was absolutely certain of because I didn’t want to sway anyone else’s decisions without hard proof. I still don’t have hard proof of these three items, but in the face of overwhelming allegations, I am comfortable enough in saying that I strongly believe that they are true. I wish that I had educated myself sooner so I could have said so publicly when I left the forums.

Which brings me to apology #7:
If my failure to speak out about my concerns in my goodbye message caused you to suffer in any way, directly or indirectly, I’m very sorry. Please forgive me.

Still wishing you all the best,

BBB Downgrades Kimkins Again

27 09 2007

This morning, the BBB updated the Kimkins listing once again, with yet another downgrade.

Today the company is graded as “D”, which in BBB speak means,

We [BBB] have enough concerns about this company (for example, their offer, customer complaints, advertising, etc.) that we recommend caution in doing business with it.

You can visit the BBB here, and while you’re there, file a review. You can also, if you feel it appropriate, file a complaint. Just remember, review first, then file your complaint.