Becky Comments About Kimmer Advising Very Low Calorie Intake

2 10 2007

In our comments, Becky (former admin Littlebit) commented about Kimmer’s private emails to her regarding very low calorie intake.

Kimmer (Heidi Diaz) wrote:

Someone can “eat clean” and still be too high in calories, even if they’re low by other diet standards.

Certainly no one would think 900 calories a day is “high”, but it’s 3 times as much as someone doing the Egg White Challenge at 300 calories a day. Weight loss will be different. Don’t forget people who dabble in days of fasting, too.

If someone wants to lose “as quickly” as someone else, maybe it behooves us to see how they did it. Was their weight loss accomplished by methods we would want to follow? Many people on this site have a problem with very low calories and refuse.

Becky Continues in Part 3 (Repost)

1 10 2007

Becky Continues

27 09 2007

Just moments ago, Becky posted a continuation of Kimkins: The Perfect Storm.

Now, a look at the professional practices of Kimkins.

Kimmer first gave out her brand of diet advice (as well as hair care and skin care tips) for years on Low Carb Friends, which garnered both followers and foes. I am not sure when the idea of her own site first began in her mind, whether it was all a carefully-laid plan, or just an opportunity too good to pass up when it arose. Judging from her track record of not sticking very long with any one thing (whether it be school or work or a relationship), I would guess that it was the latter. My conjecture is that she joined the diet site in all sincerity, hoping to lose weight like anyone else. She probably learned some things and had some initial success, but then, being Kimmer, she just couldn’t help embellishing things a bit, highlighting her successes and ignoring her failings, amplifying it more and more, becoming more extreme over time, as it began to attract some attention. Gradually, the gap between her words and her actions widened, as she could not follow through with her knowledge and intentions, but could not allow herself to back down and admit it, either.

She may have done what many of us have done —- promised herself to get back on track tomorrow, next week, next month, try to be extra strict to make up for it, only to give in to her old ways again. Her real life wasn’t working for her at all — but online she could be the best possible version of herself, everything she every dreamed of, until perhaps she came to believe it herself. The attention and approbation were too addicting.

At some point, it seems, delusion reigned supreme, and there was no backing down. As her claims became more grandiose and her polarizing presence began to dominate and draw heat more and more at the LCF forum, another member, Catherine, approached her with the idea of an ebook and a website to sell it. (Read more here.) I think it was the brass ring, the golden goose, and Kimmer/Heidi grabbed at the opportunity for . Once that thought was there, I do believe Kimmer purposely aggravated her enemies and gathered her fans even more, setting the stage for her big exit. Soon, ‘Kimmer’ flounced off in a huff, and was launched as a partnership between Heidi Diaz, supposed diet guru and Catherine McDonald, tech expert.

In the early days of the Kimkins website, Kimmer seemed to have it all — a successful diet plan, satisfied customers who were easy to please, low overhead, and a competent business partner who made her ideas work. Her departure from LCF calmed down hostilities quite a bit all around, and Kimmer was left to operate her own site in her own little corner of the internet with little interference. If she had made the right moves then, Heidi/Kimmer might possibly have been able to continue on course to a legitimate business success for quite some time to come. However, because Kimmer at her core is a fraud, it was inevitable that any enterprise built on that basis would soon begin to crumble.

Kimmer was not only a fraud in her own personal claims of large, rapid weight loss, but she soon began building the business of Kimkins around fraud at virtually every level — member service, marketing, and management.

~ Fraudulent Member Service: She lied to her members about the safety and efficacy of her diet plans, leading them to believe her plans were safely based on the recognized plans of doctors such as Dr. Atkins and Dr. Stillman, while continuing to push them ever farther away from the cautions and sensible limits of those plans. She assured members it was safe, because, after all, it had worked so well for her, or so she said. She also began to be less and less available to members, despite her promised member benefit of ‘personal coaching‘. She ignored or gave inadequate and misleading answers to valid member concerns. This was because she apparently preferred to spend her energies on marketing, to keep new paying customers coming in the front door while leaving the members mostly on their own to look out for one another.

~ Fraudulent Marketing: In her marketing campaign, she lied to prospective members by spamming Craigslist with fake listings to plug Kimkins, by posting phony ‘articles’ and answers and numerous blogs for Kimkins all over the internet under various names, by promoting Kimkins with false implied celebrity endorsements specifically to target teens, and primarily by posting numerous fraudulent ’success’ stories with ‘lifted’ and photoshopped ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures. She also made numerous claims she had no proof of or right to make, in violation of FTC regulations.

~ Fraudulent Management: Heidi/Kimmer entered into partnership with Catherine originally under false pretenses, and continued to lie to her about many things, including the source of the ‘success stories‘. It also appears that Heidi skimmed a certain part of the gross proceeds from the partnership before profits were split, by funneling income to supposed affiliate accounts which actually led back to her. It is unclear whether proper legal or tax filings were ever made, though it does not appear they were.

In matters big and small, every bit of the Kimkins enterprise was fraught with deception. It was bound to catch up to her sooner or later.

Before too long, Catherine began to have concerns about Heidi’s integrity, and backed out of the partnership. At this point, Kimmer claims to have brought in 4 other partners to finance Catherine’s buyout, but this is highly doubtful. For one thing, one of the partners she claims to have brought in at that time is Heidi Diaz, but photographic and written evidence clearly shows that Kimmer herself is Heidi Diaz. (For example, Kimmer has always acknowledged that Catherine was her partner in the beginning, and Catherine signed the original partnership agreement with Heidi Diaz.) Other names mentioned as possible ‘partners’ include Dennis Sharp (her son), Vanessa Sharp and/or Romero (Vanessa Romero is her niece), Nicki or Nikki Sharp, and Tish Diaz. It is extremely unlikely that these relatives are actually working, decision-making partners as Kimmer leads people to believe. It is possible they put up some money so Heidi could buy out Catherine; it is possible she got money from them under some other pretext; it is very possible they know little or nothing, and she is just using their names to seem like a larger and more legitimate enterprise. Nicki and later Vanessa disappeared from the “Meet Your Team’ roster some time ago, so it is possible they were based on actual people who became aware of the use of their identities, and protested it.

I have seen various things supposedly ‘written’ by some of those names and now Brad Johnson. To me. they all have the same unmistakable writing style, and are all almost surely written by Heidi herself, who freely admits to writing frequently under various male and female names. No one has ever spoken or communicated with any of them, except through Kimmer, and she trotted out the same excuses over and over as to why they were not available. (Usually they were ‘called out of town to deal with a sick father’.) Kimmer herself often spoke to me of doing all affiliate payouts and answering affiliate questions, even though she supposedly had an affiliate manager. These ‘partners’ were probably a construct that Kimmer used to pass blame, as when criticizing someone (’the partners don’t think they are getting their money’s worth’) or floating unpopular ideas (’the partners are pressing to make the fees monthly vs. lifetime membership’, which she brought up to me several times), as well as to provide other ‘identities’ under which to hide income.

In fact, there is no good reason to assume that the entity of Kimkins is anything other than Heidi Diaz sitting at her computer pumping out fraudulent marketing and picking up funds from Paypal and the mailbox, with a tech guy or two working remotely and unaware of the real situation, and paid and unpaid admins and members doing the heavy lifting on the site.

The best of businesses, with a solid business plan and an experienced team of managers would have been hard pressed to absorb the massive explosion of growth that occurred with the Woman’s World magazine feature. Kimmer only had forum helpers with very little knowledge of the true nature of the business; after all, she could not afford to bring anyone into her confidence, because she had too many secrets to hide. So, Heidi was suddenly way out of her league. She was gleeful at the funds rolling in, and foolishly thought she could continue to get away with the same type of scamming indefinitely. She was even in contact with Star magazine for another feature. Who knows? Maybe she even thought she could lose the weight, go legit, and make it work. However, her newfound success soon began to cave in on her.

Once thousands of new members hit the site and began trying to understand and apply the diet, the pressure was too heavy and all the cracks in the foundation soon began to appear. Without the personal mentoring and reinterpretation of the diets that new members had received before, the flaws and gaps in Heidi’s business soon became very evident. Many of those coming in with fresh eyes clearly saw the disparity between what was promised and what was delivered. Many clearly saw the dangers of the diet plans, all of them. Of the 40,000 or more who joined, most never even tried the diet once they actually saw it, and many who did try it did not stick with it long. Meanwhile, all the massive attention the diet was receiving reignited the souldering controversy that she thought she had left behind at LCF. However, Heidi did have two things working in her favor: the misplaced support of people like me who encouraged new members to stick with it, and the absolute sheer desperation of overweight people who had almost given up hope. For my own blindness and supporting role in it, I am sick-to-my-stomach sorry, and beg forgiveness.

At this time, Heidi seemed manic with delight over the income rolling in, and eager to spin off new ventures – more magazine and media features, merchandise, and related enterprises like the nutrition business she offered me. She could hardly be bothered with member support or complaints, and brushed off all concerns as something irrelevant, hardly worthy of her attention, even as worrisome side effects and evidences of her dishonesty mounted. Thus, the round of emails I pressed on her, with the results that we admins began to leave and express our concerns and experiences.

Our exits and warnings further precipitated a rash of blockings and bannings, as other members took up the banner and began speaking out. The business of Kimkins is now woefully in breech of the terms of their agreement with their members, who paid for lifetime membership in a healthy and safe diet followed by a woman who lost 198 lbs in 11 months and maintained it, only to be booted without warning when they complained that the diet was unsafe and the owner’s story was a lie. Members have had ‘privileges’ like private messaging and blog links in their signatures revoked, have been flamed and harangued mercilessly for any hint of breaking ranks,and have been banned without warning, redress, or refund on the vaguest pretext of ‘violation of Terms of Service’, which, like the diet plans and disclaimers, are an ever-moving target, conveniently changed after the fact.

Kimmer had it all — a million dollar website, a great staff, great member loyalty, and great future prospects. And due to great greed, arrogance, and dishonesty she threw it away.

Kimmer is now behaving like a rat backed into a corner, biting and snarling, while looking for a way of to escape unscathed. She is starting to meltdown, trying to cover her tracks and salvage what she can, leaving more of the running of things in the hands of unqualified admins. Perhaps she still thinks she can pull it off, or perhaps she is making her exit plans. As she continues to overestimate herself and underestimate her opponents, she will find, once again, that she has made a grave mistake in waiting too long.

Kimmer is a dangerous fraud, and the business of Kimkins is a dangerous fraud.

Both need to be stopped, and the sooner, the better.


Comments feed for this article

September 27, 2007 at 7:47 pm

Becky Continues by

[…] continues at Just Ducky brought to you by and […]

September 27, 2007 at 7:50 pm


A note about the timeline … correct me if I’m wrong, but from all the digging that’s been done, was set up BEFORE Heidi left LCF.

She had found LCF fertile ground for cultivating a crop of victims, but couldn’t harvest them until (according to the CreditBoard) her bankruptcy and other liens had “timed off.”

In the meantime, she was getting the website ready. When the time-off date had passed, that’s when she left LCF and started charging money for memberships.

This is, to the best of my knowledge, the REAL timeline.

September 27, 2007 at 8:01 pm

Celebrity » Becky Continues

[…] admin wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptKimmer first gave out her brand of diet advice (as well as hair care and skin care tips) for years on Low Carb Friends, which garnered both followers and foes. I am not sure when the idea of her own site first began in her mind, … […]

September 27, 2007 at 8:10 pm


I believe that as a domain name was registered in April. 2006, the big flail-up happened in late May or early June, with site launch very shortly after.

Catherine or Martin would know more.

September 27, 2007 at 8:21 pm


Yes I’m confusing registration of the domain, with opening the board. What I mean is, basically, she was laying the groundwork for the board, preparing, and building up to her dramatic exit from LCF.

As one of the other commenters has stated elsewhere, Heidi isn’t mentally ill — she’s simply evil, and she knows exactly what she’s doing. She’s fully aware of her intentions and her actions, fully capable of outcome-based behaviors.

September 27, 2007 at 9:54 pm

Tam (Kimkins refugee)

Becky (assuming you come back to this blog), after the WW article, was it ever *confirmed* that over 35,000 new members actually paid the life-time membership fee? Confirmed by anyone other than Kimmer, I should say. Did you have access to those types of figures, names and numbers?

I was a member there at the time and, yes, it was mind-boggling with the flood of new members, but close to 40,000? I’ve always had trouble believing that figure. If that’s really the case, the vast majority of them obviously didn’t stick around to post in the forums.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t doubt YOU, Becky. But I can see how Kimmer would exaggerate the numbers just, as you said, “to seem like a larger and more legitimate enterprise.”

If the 40,000 figure is anywhere close to accurate … where are all these people? Those of us protesting here, at ALC, LCF, etc. are just the tip of the iceberg.

September 27, 2007 at 10:19 pm

Princess Dieter

It would be interesting to know when Kimmer-Heidi’s son turned legal age. Maybe THAT is what she was waiting for, since she put the site under his name. If the son turned 18 Spring of 2006, that would definitely put the motivation there…

(Can a 17 yeard old have a site registered under their name? I have no idea.)

And I totally believe she’d be going to LCF to gather her following before heading off.

The Princess

September 27, 2007 at 10:45 pm


Kimmer certainly doesn’t appear to be a millionaire, in fact, she still seems to have money problems. I wonder out of the thousands who joined after the WW article, how many requested refunds within that 24 hour block?

September 27, 2007 at 11:20 pm


Kimmer canceled the 24- hour refund policy prior to the magazine feature. She did give out some refunds from those who joined and cited kidney problems or other medical concerns, once they saw the diet, but very few.

I cannot prove those figures are accurate, but i would not be at all surprised if the membership numbers are not actually higher now.

I know how busy i was. I saw the posts rolling through there. At one time, I had access to member service emails, and she was getting literally thousands of emails a day. I was getting scores of PMs, as were many others. We had thousands online at a time, and hundreds posting intros and joining new challenges every day.

She also became suddenly very elated, and became much more willing to pay for help.

I imagine many signed up, looked at the diets, and left quickly, chalking it up to an expensive lesson learned. Most were not a typical online crowd. Quite a few lurked, but did not post. Many posted, but have dropped out now. Many have gotten banned, or cowed into silence. Still, they paid, and she kept the money.

She only took the membership and online numbers down when she began drawing too much fire from LCF, Slamboard, etc. I believe she wanted to reduce speculation into her gross profits once people started doing the math.

I have heard people say that they would look online and not see many people there back then. Perhaps they were not looking in the right places, because that was not at all the case then. The way the site was set up, the number reflected on a forum index page did not reflect the number actually viewing threads within that particular forum, but only the number of people looking at that index page at the time. You would have to open each thread to get a full count.

Only she knows for sure what her full intake was, but I have reason to believe it was quite high.

She told me she had only put back into the business what was absolutely necessary, and had the rest invested at a 10% rate of return. Who knows if that is true?

I do not believe she planned this out years in advance. I think she posted at LCF first for ego and power, and only later for money. I just don’t see her as someone who can sustain hard work for long without some kind of a payoff, but rather as an opportunist. I could be wrong. Time will tell.

September 28, 2007 at 2:04 am

Tam (Kimkins refugee)

Thank you, Becky, for that insight. I guess I’ve been hoping for lower numbers because that would mean fewer people were scammed, but it looks like she really was/is raking in the big bucks. Thanks again.

September 28, 2007 at 2:47 am


Becky that’s very insightful. I also do not think that this giant “venture” was on her mind when she started out on LCF. Looking back on when she left, I really think she was planning on just getting $$ out of maybe a couple of dozen of her “fans” off LCF, then shutting the site down due to lack of funds (or hitting the members up for more $$ to “run” it).
I don’t really think she had any idea that it would take off in the big way that it did.

September 28, 2007 at 7:15 am

Princess Dieter

I totally believe there was a windfall from WW. That kind of coverage is sure to do that.

And I’m sure H/K knew to keep the money inflow quiet and the lifestyle discreet so as to keep all sorts off her back. Spending oodles would have drawn attention, I think. There is also the miser phenomenon where accumulating the money is the kick, not spending it. In fact, spending it reduces the pleasure of actually having a hoard.

Even if it’s half the reported 40K, that’s a lot of mookah going mostly to ONE woman who is hardly accountable. She got the Paypal and the checks. Why should she be truthful about how much when she’s not truthful about the rest?

And if she can offer Christian a car, then 100K for an Oprah brass ring, trust me, that means she had to have a nice, tidy reserve.

It would only have taken 10K members after WW to get 600K. And if that’s not reported or paid taxes on, that’s a nice chunk for any “disabled” person on government dole.

Didn’t someone say that the son bragged mom had a million in Paypal? (Can’t verify where that came from. Just remember reading it.)

The Princess

September 28, 2007 at 8:31 am


I think you’re right Becky.

September 30, 2007 at 8:12 pm


Why did all the admin. wait until the same time to quit. If you knew the diet was dangerous why did you continue to state otherwise, was it just the money that kept you going. I’m so confused, I continue to do Kimkins but with a higher fat intake since my body stalled and the increase intake helped it to lose quicker. How could so many been individual’s lifes have been put in jeopardy for merely a paycheck. Can you answer that, Becky?

Becky: “Heidi. The only one you are fooling anymore is yourself.”

26 09 2007

After reading the Wonderwoman rants, Becky had this to say,

This is classic Kimmer on a tear — same style, same language, same nasty digs, same obsessions.

Just for the record, there is no conspiracy among those who left, and I am not making money from my blog or free newsletter, nor do I intend at any point in the future to have my own diet or forum or anything even remotely resembling any of that.
I post on Jimmy’s forum, as a member. I have a blog, like many people do, with a few links that have paid me nothing.

I have a free newsletter, with menus and recipes, just to motivate me to stay the course, which I haven’t had time to send lately because
1) I have a real life, and
2) I devote too much of my online time to the demise of Kimkins.

Sorry, Heidi – I LOST money leaving you – remember? Those paranoid delusions are all in your head.

I told my DH about your latest rants, and he said, “Tranference, much?”

We’re all onto your and your tricks, Heidi. The only one you are fooling anymore is yourself.

Becky Says…

21 09 2007

Well, we’re not going to steal her thunder…

Go read her blog entry for today, it’s outstanding!

Getting to Know Tippy Toes

11 09 2007

One of the newest admins at Kimkins is Jeannie Baitinger, aka ‘Tippy Toes’ in the Kimkins forums and Low Carb Friends forums. For the purpose of keeping things simple here, we’ll refer to her as ‘Tippy’ throughout.

Tippy joined Low Carb Friends back in April 2004 when she started a low carbohydrate diet (Atkins) and weighed 263 pounds. Since that time she’s admittedly struggled to lose the weight desired and declared herself at goal on September 8, 2006 after losing 100 pounds. In the last year she’s maintained her weight between 150 and 155 pounds, alternating between Atkins and Kimkins. Why we make this an issue is that she recently wrote a positive 5 star review at the BBB for Kimkins, on September 7, 2007,

This is the BEST weight loss website I have been to yet! Thanks to I have lost 112 lbs, have never been sick, got off blood pressure and cholesterol meds and I feel terrific! I have NEVER experienced anything but positive help from the site and I was NEVER told to use laxitives OR lower calories–ever.I cannot say enough good things about the website. I tried other weight loss plans and they did not work but that Kimkins sure did! And I have medical records and pictures to prove it. Just ask me for them.

Within the Low Carb Friends postings she’s made, it’s clear she did not follow Kimkins exclusively.
In fact, through her own posts at Low Carb Friends, we learn she lost 47 pounds following Atkins, stalled for six months, moved to South Beach, then Eat Fat Get Thin, then a Fruit Rotation regiment, then Kimkins, and then finally a rotation of Atkins and Kimkins.

Yet, in the above review she attributes her entire weight loss to Kimkins. This may well be because she was the featured weight loss success recently in the Kimkins newsletter (issue 20). In that feature she states she started with Atkins and then found Kimkins when her weight loss stalled, she was frustrated and “starving and felt terrible…I was desperate.” In that feature she also willingly states she alternates between Kimkins and Atkins. This fact is curious given Kimmer’s (Heidi Diaz) disdain for Atkins and its allowance for higher fat meats and dairy. When we review the situation, it is clearer why Kimmer is open to Tippy saying many of the things she does in her success story. Kimmer is losing staff left and right and needs to replace staffers fleeing her company and site. She knows one thing about Tippy, and that’s her long standing desire to be an Admin at Low Carb Friends, a position she is now more than willing to extend to Tippy now that she, Kimmer, is desperate.We recently learned that over the years Tippy has long desired a position of Admin at Low Carb Friends and has made this desire known to many close to her, including Kimmer prior to her departure from that forum.

Last year Tippy stirred up things on a weight loss challenge thread on Low Carb Friends by being very critical of the Low Carb Friends admins at the time. She made it known she believed she was qualified to be an Admin and when a position as one was not offered, she started passing along private information about the Low Carb Friends admins behind the scenes in emails and Private Messages in an attempt to turn them on each other. In those communications we are told she alluded to questionable behavior by the Low Carb Friends Admins at a pig roast in Tennessee she attended, allegations we will not detail here, but suffice to say included implications of inpropriety between Admins whom were not married to each other.

An attention junkie like Kimmer (Heidi Diaz) she spent months attempting to garner a position of Admin within Low Carb Friends to no avail, but her desire to be one continued.

As soon as Kimmer offered an Admin position to Tippy, she jumped at it and quickly told her friends, expressing her delight at the opportunity. We’re told she said she was thrilled by the “authority” Kimmer entrusted her with and also expressed a grand plan to completely revamp the Kimkins diet plans into something she believed would be healthier and much less objectionable to those concerned over the safety of the plans as currently written.

May we remind her she need only look as far as Becky to see such changes will not be tolerated by Kimmer. Read Becky’s Reasonable Appeal to make changes and Kimmer’s reply point by point.

What is more disturbing than her less than accurate BBB review however, is that she’s taken to doing Kimmer’s biding on Low Carb Friends. In a very recent post there, she laid the groundwork to instill doubts in the minds of those concerned about Kimkins and Kimmer by questioning not only the motivation of those engaging on the Facination thread, but also attempted to lay blame for the entire situation on one individual, former business partner Catherine (whose husband is releasing details of that partnership at Slamboard).

Her post, titled Are We Being Used, includes the following,

Just a thought. Notice the person who started this thread is a junior member (meaning newly registered) and does not continue to post? Notice so many junior members coming in now? It is easy to assume they are from Kimkins site BUT I wonder about the truth in that assumption for many reasons. One, I recall Catherine telling X LCF members how easily identity can change so they could come back without admins knowing it was them… Cutie–remember that? Two, I notice the junior members seem computer savvy enough to post info and pics I would not have a clue about myself… Now I am not saying every single junior member here is ficticious. But I think many may be. Tom, can you check out this possibility?Is it possible this whole thing has been created by the ex biz partner, who is clearly mad as heck? Also, keep in mind it is the same creator of slamboards and…perhaps Ducky? Oddly enough, Catherine admits it was her idea to start a website for Kimkins–not Kimmers. So I don’t think Kimmer spent countless hours here plotting but I think Catherine did. Also, Catherine just thought Kimkins was a wonderful plan and fully endorsed and followed it, according to her. Until the partnership disolved, that is. Now it can kill you…WTH?

And the Kimkins survivors blogs… Are they real? How do we know? And the 14 year old–was that real?
The threats to anyone who is a moderator for her site–threats of fraud and lawsuits… A bully tactic for sure to intimidate them into walking out. The claims of KimATC being 50 lbs over weight…How rude was that, asking her how that Kimkins diet was working out? In fact, that statement points that Kimkins doesn’t work and we have established it does. We all have weight problems which is why we diet. The pressure is on–but by whom? The reasons seem pretty obvious.

Don’t get me wrong. I KNOW there are some of those people here in a genuine manner. I know a couple of you from her site and I know you had concerns (even if you are ALL at goal now thanks to her diet). I do not agree with cutting calories further in the event of a stall either. But perhaps Kimmer was in the learning process herself and it was a bad decision, or mistake. And maybe Kimmer did gain weight back and won’t tell. Take a good look around this site. How many people have gained their weight back and refuse to remove the skinny avitor pics and change stats accordingly? I think many of us are guilty for that.

Are we all puppets on a string being manipulated by a raging X partner?

We know in the past Kimmer has taken to manipulating situations to motivate individuals to do things they might not do on their own. An example of such behaviour in the past is the January 2007 blog by Jimmy Moore, where he attacked Low Carb Friends and did so in a scathing and vicious manner. He’s since retracted that post, but our memory is long here and we’ve been told that Kimmer’s input was indeed the impetus for that post.

It’s interesting that many of the points Tippy brought to her post at Low Carb Friends are now the same points Kimmer is trying deperately to convince her members of within the Kimkins forums. It appears much of Tippy’s post contents were scripted by Kimmer. Tippy seems unaware of the manipulative instincts of Kimmer and may not realize how she too is now being used by her as a means to an end.We ask this, Tippy how could you associate yourself with Kimmer given all the facts now in the public view?

We’d like to remind readers that this is the same Tippy Toes who organized the fundraiser for Kimmer’s (Heidi Diaz) phantom foster children last summer. Tippy accepted the position of Admin after revelation of the fact Heidi Diaz has no foster children and has not had foster children in her care since at least 2000.

Developing Story: Former Admin Becky Speaks out

7 09 2007

Earlier today, the much beloved ex-Admin from Kimkins, Becky, posted a lengthy email she had sent to Kimmer (Heidi Diaz) in her attempt to help Kimmer (Heidi Diaz) manage the problems being reported on various sites online.

After a number of supportive replies, some asking she post about the response from Kimmer, she posted that today

Therefore, before this day is over, I intend to publish 3 things:

~ Quoted replies in her own words to the issues raised by the various former admins, which others who participated in that email exchange at the time can verify or refute

~ A short version of the whys and wherefores of my personal journey in and out, including financial disclosure and an honest admission of the compromises I feel I made

~ To set the record straight, my personal layman’s opinion of the physical and mental health risks of the diets, for what it is worth

As this story develops and more information is made available, we’ll update. Stay tuned!

1 comment

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September 8, 2007 at 12:09 am


I got a refund from Kimmer!

Becky Speaks Candidly

5 09 2007

Becky, one of the recent staffers to depart from Kimkins, has slowly started to reveal the underlying reasons for her departure on her blog.

In her post, My Goodbye, she comments on September 5th,

Why I stayed and why I left is a long and involved story, and I may never tell it all publicly.

I certainly will not tell it for the entertainment or idle curiosity of bystanders. I will tell some of it for the sake of the past and present (and possible future) members

I will say a few things in the next day or so, but for now, I will say this:

I stayed because of the members.
I left because of the leader.

I did not leave because of pressure or fear or random doubts placed in my mind by the blogs or forum posts of strangers.

I left because the words and actions of the individual in question left me no doubt and no choice. I could in no way aid and abet that situation.

Others who were witness to the same things reached the same conclusions.

I think that speaks volumes.

In a comment that followed, she also said,

I have not been told that I am banned. As far as I know, my account still exists.

However, my username and password no longer work.

This is not the first or second time this has happened to me. Each time previously, I was told it was a technical glitch.

Interestingly, each time occurred after a serious blow-up, and lasted until a strong protest.

More than a few friends of mine have encountered similar situations — two just very recently.

Becky was locked out by Kimmer.

Becky left Kimkins because of Kimmer.

Kimmer Still Using Deni & Christin!

4 09 2007

With the sudden yet vocal departure of both Christin and Deni yesterday, you’d think the Kimkins webmaster would be busy updating the site to reflect the changes. As of this writing, the site still maintains on the Meet Your Team page that Christin is Media & Public Relations Director.

The homepage continues to use Christin as a feature selling point for membership, boasting she lost weight and was on the cover of Woman’s World magazine. Christin pointedly remarked yesterday on her own blog that she experienced serious side effects from the dietary regimen.

Yet, even today after all that has happened, Kimmer keeps her own version of the story intact on her blog, bragging about the ‘clean bill of health’ Christin was said to have gotten after losing the weight.

On the homepage, Kimmer continues to spotlight Deni, who lost weight too, despite the fact that Deni is no longer associated with Kimkins or singing its praises anymore.

What part of Deni’s statement about Kimmer’s lack of intergrity did she not understand?

In case you haven’t figured it out yet.. I am leaving Kimkins. I am leaving because I have learned some things that make me doubt the integrity of the founder, and because I have been used for purposes that go against my personality, my moral, and my conscience.

What part of Christin’s complete scrubbing of her blog of all promotion linked to Kimkins did Kimmer miss? Kimmer arrogantly declared these women, and Becky, left because of pressure from blogs like this one. Yet if and when you read their own testimony as to their reasons for leaving, none of the blogs highlighting the issues of Kimkins diet are mentioned. No, not one word is explicit or implicit that we bloggers were the reason these women left. They didn’t leave because of external pressures by us bloggers. They left because they came to see Kimmer as she is!

The one thing clearly stated is the problem was and is Kimmer (Heidi Diaz)!


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September 4, 2007 at 5:51 pm


Kimmer really does think she’s above reproach. She’s in for a big surprise when it all falls down though.

September 4, 2007 at 5:52 pm


I have received communications today from one of these three and one thing they would like to express is that they were not forced out due to pressure from these blogs or comments on LCF. They left (and were subsequently locked out from the site) due to the reasons they specifically state and/or will state (or not – up to them really), not the reasons stated by Kimmer and not due to any bloggers or other forum attacks or pressures. In fact, the outside pressures to leave made it harder to do so, to avoid the appearance of caving under the pressure. Kimmer was (is) the problem, and from reading their comments (aside from Christin’s two correctable issues), even the diet didn’t have anything to do with it.

September 4, 2007 at 6:38 pm


“and were subsequently locked out from the site”

WHAT??????? And she continues to use their images? !!!!?????!!!!!! I really have no words….

September 4, 2007 at 6:40 pm


I’m not surprised. Kimmer is going to continue on with business as usual, even as everything falls apart over there. I just hope those within start to see the writing on the wall and get out NOW!

September 4, 2007 at 7:09 pm


Christin, for weeks, tried to get answers to her satisfaction from Kimmer, to no avail. Finally Kimmer locked her out of the site and basically fired her, then begged her back, then locked her out again due to irreconcilable differences (like Becky).

Really makes you wonder, doesn’t it? How is it that two very prominent moderators and superstars within Kimkins are FIRED for asking questions and then Kimmer runs around the site acting like all is well and dandy.

All is NOT well and dandy. Kimmer is scared. She’s paranoid now. She’s got admins watching each other. She’s got members spying on other members. She has admins spying on members. She’s spying on members and it’s all crazy!

Becky, Deni and Christin questioned the great Oz and anyone else who does the same has the primer in front of them – you’ll be fired/banned/locked out. You cannot cross Kimmer and stay. Period.

September 4, 2007 at 7:44 pm


Dear Ducky, someone says you are in reality Jimmy Moore. Oh Ducky, say it ain’t so! 🙂


It ain’t so!

September 4, 2007 at 8:07 pm

Christin Fired From Kimkins for Asking Questions About Kimmer? » Kimkins Controversy

[…] A comment on Kimkins Exposed: Christin, for weeks, tried to get answers to her satisfaction from Kimmer, to no avail. Finally Kimmer locked her out of the site and basically fired her, then begged her back, then locked her out again due to irreconcilable differences (like Becky). […]

September 4, 2007 at 11:07 pm


Kimmer, really is a piece of work – that woman has nerves of steel. Acutally she probably hasn’t got a conscience so doesn’t give a shit.
Becky, Deni and Christin I am glad you got out but you must make it perfectly clear why you left so new members don’t get sucked into Kimkins. The post questioning if Christin and Deni are gone too is now locked and will soon be deleted. Most of the members just all carry on as normal!

September 5, 2007 at 3:18 am

ban kimmer

Good then everyone will leave. I am also questioning the new admin on the site…that answer about the hair falling out sounded a little to much like kimmiepie for me to swallow. Again…when the posts are on the defensive and not at all helpful…you can bet it’s the guru.

Also…does anyone know if Cristin will speak to WW about a retraction? Or at least a warning?

September 5, 2007 at 2:59 pm


I would love to see Christin do a retraction…and I bet WW would be willing to consider it. WW seems to be a pretty solid magazine that doesn’t play too much into fad dieting or unhealthy WOE.

My log in is still working, but I’m sure when my complaint gets to Kimmer I’ll be locked out. I filed with the BBB so we’ll see what happens with that. I signed up with it was still $39.95 and the e-book was promised, so my complaint stated I never got everything I was promised. We all know that book is not even mentioned on the site anymore and will never be again. It’s not about the money as much as it is to get a message across to Kimmer that she won’t keep getting away with this.

To Deni

31 08 2007

“It is a sad tendancy of modern men to either do the right thing in the wrong way or do the wrong thing in the right way. We either hold to truth obnoxiously or we hold to a lie graciously. We are either a rude angel or a polite devil. Often what poses as a cruel orthodoxy is defeated by what poses as a kind heresy” – George Grant & Mark Horne, from the book Unnatural Affections

With that in mind, we all must understand that cognitive dissonance is an innately human process that can muddle the ethical values of an individual without him or her even realizing that it is happening. The most basic of cognitive dissonance scenarios occur when a person whom an individual regards highly adopts a behavior that the same individual deplores.

The gulf between the individual’s admiration of the person (a positive attitude) and the individual’s objection to the behavior (a negative attitude) must be reconciled.

The individual can lower his or her estimation of the person, or develop a rationalization for the conflict (the person was acting uncharacteristically due to illness, stress, or confusion), or reduce the disapproval of the behavior.

This is why misbehavior by leaders and other admired role models is potentially very harmful on a large scale: by creating dissonance, it creates a downward drag on societal norms by validating unethical behavior. Tortured or inexplicable defenses of otherwise clearly wrong behavior in public dialogue are often the product of cognitive dissonance.

Remember, sin ripples; it affects the whole world.

Therefore, if a public person – by his or her pronouncements – trivializes an issue as important as health, we all must stand up and pay attention.

When someone lies to us or others, we must recognize it and accept our duty to not only abhor it, but if once a party to it, turn our backs and leave that person in their wickedness.

When someone says things which may bring harm to another, we must recognize it and accept our duty to not only abhor it, but no longer be party to such dangerous words.

As spiritual beings we’re called to account not only for what we have done, but what we failed to do.

Not only in how we see, but in how our Creator sees it.

2 Cor 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive recompense, according to what he did in the body, whether good or evil.

1 Cor3:12-15 If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man’s work. If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward. If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames.


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August 31, 2007 at 2:40 pm

Healthy LCer

I totally agree with this 100 percent. Christin is a strong Christian and therefore will be held accountable for anything harmful that she has advised people to do. If she did this unknowingly at first, that is totally different than
hearing people’s stories of illness and continuing to give unsafe advice.

Plus, advising children/diabetics is a WHOLE other category. And approving of what Kimmer is doing is just like SHE was doing it. Scripture tells us to FLEE
from evil. That’s what Christin needs to do…

August 31, 2007 at 3:02 pm


Mark 9.43

And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched

August 31, 2007 at 3:39 pm



Deni, please leave! You can do it! You’re strong and know what’s right and wrong and what Kimmer is doing is wrong, wrong, wrong!

August 31, 2007 at 4:29 pm


Hardly a credible source for a quote: but I am reminded of the spooky words of bug-eyed Marshall Applewhite, of Heaven’s Gate cult fame…

This applies to all of the innocent Admins there:

“Your only chance to survive–leave with us.”

I am sure many of you are at least considering it. You don’t want to be in a position of association with Kimmer when the stuff hits the fan. So put on your new black and white Nikes, grab your purple handkerchiefs and hit the door before it is too late. There will be folks here and elsewhere to stand with you, to hear your stories, and help you find a new home in which you can lose weight.

At least Marshall went out with his people. Do you think Kimmer won’t have self preservation as her first priority when it all comes down. Don’t you think she will try to shift blame? That is, if her identity isn’t so well insulated that she can’t just disappear. Why else would she be so careful to lie about EVERY part of her life and has never let anyone see her?

August 31, 2007 at 7:45 pm


I really hope Deni reads this and takes it to heart. She is too sweet to have her name associated with Kimkins any more!

Deni, sweetie, please get out of there!

September 3, 2007 at 11:50 pm


Deni didn’t need our convincing. I thought as much. WTG Deni and Christin!

Open Letter to Kimkins Admins & Moderators

30 08 2007

Dear Kimkins Admins and Moderators,

Step back for a moment and consider all that is now happening within Kimkins.  You’re being tracked, you’re being monitored and you’re likely being told that those you work with, your fellow moderators and admins, are talking about you behind your back.  This is Kimmer’s MO and is not a new tactic to manipulate your loyalty to try and maintain the status quo.

Step back from the diet, step back from the concept you’re loyal because you lost weight or are losing weight, and take a long hard look at all that is out there about Kimmer and the type of person she is.

Do you want to continue to associate with someone who has been shown to be a liar?

Do you want to continue to assoicate with someone who says she is a CASA when you know she’s not?

Do you want to continue to associate with someone who manipulates others with illusions of gradeur, claims of foster parenting, and taking money for ‘her kids’ when it’s very likely she no longer has foster children in her care?

Do you want to continue to associate with someone who advised a child, a young teenage girl, that she didn’t need to eat more calories if she still had body fat on her?

Do you want to continue to assoicate with someone who maintains recommendations that are contrary to the body of evidence in the scientific literature?

Do you want to continue to associate with someone who has raked in millions and is either expecting you to continue to volunteer your time or paying you a paltry salary for your time and effort?

Do you want to continue to associate with someone who has obviously used her own child to attempt to play the system and keep the fact she owns the company off the paper trail?

Do you want to associate with someone who encourages you to continue providing potentially health damaging advice to paying members?

Do you want to associate with someone who has promoted her diet with stock photo pictures and wrote success stories herself of fictional people?

Do you want to associate with someone who is known to spam the internet?

Do you want to associate with someone who has FTC violations blatantly on her website?

Do you want to associate with someone who may be defrauding social security?

Do you want to associate with someone who once proudly claimed she was judgement proof?

Do you want to associate with someone who found it funny the student loan company was frustrated because she wouldn’t pay them what she borrowed for her education?

The list goes on and on!

Many of you are contemplating your position now.

Ducky knows this.

It’s not a maybe, it’s a given considering all that is happening now.

While you can, walk away!

While you can, tell her you’re done!

While you can, take back control of your life and move on!

The diet that worked for you doesn’t matter.  In life we’re all tasked with one thing, do unto others as you’ll have done to you.  Kimmer is not the diet.  You know this.  Act on what your intuition and gut has been telling you for a long time now.

Step away.


You will be okay without Kimmer.

No amount of money is worth what she is doing to you or others.

You know that!

Christin’s Defiance!

30 08 2007

The comments section of Becky’s recent post, Interesting Times, is quite revealing as to the disagreement with Kimmer (Heidi Diaz). Of note, Becky said in her comments,

As has been said elsewhere, I did not see eye-to-eye on everything. I have been told I have an incompatible view of Kimkins than just does not mesh. So be it.

From all of Kimmer’s posts, it is generally understood that her perspective about how to lose weight is fixed in stone and no deviation is allowed, otherwise you might as well do Atkins.This morning we’ve received a number of comments not to post, but to provide information that lead us to believe that Kimkins is crumbling from within. If anyone doubts this, they only need to look at how Christin is openly defying Kimmer in her replies today to members asking for help.

On the Ask Kimmer thread, Christin today wrote:

Everyone has to find their own balance. I understand the rush for whatever gets the weight off fastest. But, you also have to make sure that you’re taking care of your body as well. Kimmer’s fat might be higher than yours or lower than the next person because each person is different. You need to make sure that you are encorporating a healthy balance of good fats / lean proteins and enough veggies to give you some good nutrients and taking your vitamins every day. Really listen to your body and if you need to up your fat and calories a little it’s ok. But only eat when you are truly hungry and only till satisfcation. Don’t force yourself to the low cals. This will only get you discouraged and frustrated w/ your plan.

I did use K/E but I also encorporated a mix of Kimkins as well so I didn’t totally shun the vegetables. Veggies are good for you! )
Let’s face it, we didn’t get heavy by eating salad and broccoli, asparagus and tomatoes… it was the white carbs that did it to us! P So don’t be afraid of the veggies…. KE is good for getting into Ketosis fast and getting that initial loss going… But get some veggies too! ;)

This is so outside of Kimmer’s repeated reduce this, eliminate that, stop eating this, don’t eat that scolding that it’s remarkable to see. It seems Christin is indeed coming to her senses and it won’t be long until she herself departs or Kimmer (Heidi Diaz) locks her out like Becky!


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August 30, 2007 at 6:33 pm

Healthy LCer

Let’s hope Christin wakes up and hits the road. Hopefully Becky will share with her her feelings about this. Christin is continuing to give out information that is based on her ideas. She really needs to know the science behind
lowcarbing and quote Dr. Atkins or Dr. Groves. It’s like giving out a prescription without any background. Food is medicine. This is true, especially if you are diabetic.

August 30, 2007 at 7:28 pm



It really may be the start of a mutiny!

How cool is that?

August 30, 2007 at 7:30 pm


Seems like Christin is getting a conscience?

August 30, 2007 at 7:50 pm


She’s smartening up. Bad advice can be deadly and I’m sure Christin doesn’t want to hurt anyone parroting Kimmer’s advice, so she’s going to say what is a better option and healthier. It won’t be long until Kimmer locks her out. Guaranteed. No one gets away with crossing that woman.

August 30, 2007 at 8:50 pm


Christin is giving advice that directly contradicts everything that Kimmer says!! So it seems she might actually be “getting” the dangers involved? But if that’s the case…why is she continuing to work for this woman???

August 31, 2007 at 3:36 am


Christin has always had a conscience! What kind of PR/business move would it be to ban your cover girl and PR person? Christin will leave of her own accord; I have faith!

When Kimkins Disappears or Goes Defunct

30 08 2007

It’s coming, it’s in the air, you can feel it.

Kimkins is limping along now and each day a new revelation is knocking one more brick away, weakening the structure and will of those within.

When the time comes and goes defunct or completely disappears, those within need a place to go and find online support.  Below are online communities we feel comfortable recommending you bookmark for when you need a place later!

Active Low Carber Forums

Livin’ La Vida Low Carb Discussion (we hear this is where Becky is now making home online)

A Pinch of Health

Good luck to those who are still within Kimkins.  For other forums, please check the comments as we’re sure other forums will be identified as places to review and check out when you need a place to retreat to in the coming weeks and months!

Is Becky Banned from Kimkins?

28 08 2007

Earlier today, Kimmer (Heidi Diaz) insisted that

“Becky’s decisions are her own which is why I took offense at anyone prying for details. My last word is that Becky is not banned. It was her request to no longer be moderator. She logs in nearly every day and chooses not to post. Her reasons are her own and it’s not our business.”

However a new site, Kkatastrophediet’s Weblog, created by a Kimkins member (and perhaps a staffer with access to server logs?) insists,

It has been said that Becky is not banned.

I know different. LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE. All of you who think everyone showing dissention is a mole, it is time to wake UP.


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August 28, 2007 at 4:50 pm


Becky is definitely banned…there is no way she’d log in (as claimed by Kimmer) and not at least reply on the thread asking if she’s okay, especially since her grandson has been sick….she knows members would worry, so she’d at least post SOMETHING.

It’s not the first time a previous staff member was banned….Cutie, Kiki….they were banned for discussing something in PRIVATE MESSAGES that Kimmer read. Talk about LOW!

August 28, 2007 at 6:45 pm


Oh course she’s banned; or her password changed so same thing. Kimmer NEVER let’s someone in disagreement with her have access to the site again….way too many ways they could make her look bad!

August 28, 2007 at 8:23 pm


Amy (Curlygirl) was a moderator too (she posts still on LCF) and she’s now gone and no longer moderating either.

Looks like Kimmer is losing lots of people at once lately – who’s next?


Our understanding is that Amy is no longer an admin, but is still a member and posting as one within the Kimkins site. Thanks for the information though! We appreciate it.

August 29, 2007 at 10:38 am

Becky (Littlebit) Update — Banned from Kimkins? » Kimkins Controversy

[…] Becky been banned? Kimmer says no . KKatastrophediet blog, the new blog from a disillusioned but still stealth Kimkins member, says […]

August 30, 2007 at 12:21 am


New admin to replace Becky: Gary “lasttime4me”, joined 06-01-07, lost 70 lbs so far, fitday link:
Was offered to another member who accepted, then reconsidered, citing other obligations…
don’t really want this to be a comment, but thought you might find this interesting–seems as if anyone qualifies as a moderator now a days…feel sorry for the guy–he’s unaware of what he’s getting into….

August 30, 2007 at 2:02 pm


theTRUTH shall set you free. As I said on KKatastrophediet comments: Becky is banned, locked out, whatever you want to call it. I can independently confirm this as fact; confirming Kimmer is a liar, as if you already didn’t know.

August 30, 2007 at 2:06 pm


There are a LOT of new Admins as of a few days ago. Cut them some slack. They know not what they do, and are as fooled as everyone else is/was (including Becky). Just proxy’s to take hit for Kimmer. Obviously I need to stay anonymous and can’t post my thoughts on the inside.

August 30, 2007 at 2:52 pm


from KKatastrophediet today:


Becky was banned. She says: “I posted my email address on the site a few weeks ago, the first time my password quit working, in case I ever disappeared suddenly. If that cannot be found, I can always be reached here.”

Told you. Who’s the liar? Plain and simple. If she lies about this, what else does she lie about? Horses, people. Horses!

August 30, 2007 at 3:54 pm


Becky is giving a lot of information in her comments on her blog posts…it’s obvious that Kimmer is lying, but that’s no surprise, really.

The Tangled Web at Kimkins

28 08 2007

Kimkins Dangers reported the recent departure of long-term staff member Becky (Littlebit) yesterday, whose introductory biography disappeared from the ‘Meet Your Team’ page over the weekend. The disappearing act followed two weeks of silence from Becky on the site, no new posts and no replies to member queries.

Yesterday it was apparent, even without any word from the site management, that Becky was no longer associated with Kimkins. Her blog was scrubbed of all affiliate links, her Daily Plate was locked and almost all references to Kimkins removed from posts on her blog.

One question remained unanswered, why did Becky leave Kimkins?

Yesterday, when a thread appeared in the Kimkins Cafe forum asking if Littlebit was okay, Christin explained,

“Kimmer said that Becky (Littlebit) is taking a break and starting a family business, but we hope that she’ll be back to post soon!”

Dissatisfied with that reply some members pushed for the ‘real reason’ Becky left, and late last night Kimmer (Heidi Diaz) stepped up to answer, after confirming that Becky was paid staff, Kimmer went on to say,

“She and I had differences about how the website should be run. She was concerned that her comments as a moderator could leave her vulnerable to liability of some sort. She requested to be removed as moderator a few days ago, although she stopped posting and answering emails several weeks ago.”

Keen eyes noticed within minutes that reply was edited, removing the hint of Becky’s concern over liability, and a member called Kimmer on the revision,

“Kimmer, you above post originally had this sentence in it:
She was concerned that her comments as a moderator could leave her vulnerable to liability of some sort.

But then you removed it!! I think Becky is concerned about the low calorie and low fat aspect of kimkins and that’s why she left.”

To which Kimmer replied curtly,

“You’re right. She is concerned about being legal liability.”

A member pressed on,

“So what did she tell you was her concern?”

Keep in mind, this member has paid Kimmer for her membership as have others within the site. Members paid subscriptions pay the salaries of those on staff and without members no one would be paid. So, members do indeed have a right to ask questions of those they are paying! Yet, Kimmer shut down the member with one short sentence,

“To be honest, you’re bordering on rude.”

Other members and paid moderators swiftly stepped in to defend Kimmer and effectively shut down any continuation of the discussion along the lines of legal liabilites, literally attacking the member who dared to ask questions.

At this point, this morning, the thread is filling with ‘feel good’ let’s all be nice to each other and remain positive type posts.

One critical question must be asked, in Becky’s departure, who lied to members?

Christin initially stepped up to say Becky left to start a new family business. She stated this was what Kimmer told her. Kimmer however candidly offered up the explanation that Becky was concerned about her vulnerability as a paid staff member, thus resigned her position to avoid potential legal liability, with no hint of starting a business or anything else as part of her reason for leaving.

So, did Christin lie to members by offering a benign reason to explain Becky’s departure, even though she was aware of the real reason, or did Kimmer initially lie to Christin who simply repeated the lie she was first told?

If Christin simply repeated what she was told, how does she now feel knowing she was lied to, and then left lying to members with Kimmer’s made-up excuse to her?

If Christin did know the real reason and simply put forward something that sounded better than the truth, how do members feel being lied to?

How do members within Kimkins feel about one of the two, or both Kimmer and Christin lying to them when they’ve paid for a membership subscription, and as such deserve to know what’s happening?


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August 28, 2007 at 3:47 pm


Lookie what I found:

The Last Word…

August 28, 2007 at 3:58 pm

Kimkins Dangers

We have now heard, but not verified yet, that Becky was actually banned from the site.

As with other people who “left” but were actually banned, the kimkins site administrator left their profiles visible with post count, etc, to make it “appear” as though they were online from time to time.

August 28, 2007 at 4:52 pm


A lot of people are suggesting that those who are “rocking the boat” and asking the wrong questions might be moles…..My thoughts….those who are so vehement in their ass-kissing to Kimmer, they’re the moles! A mole isn’t going to rock the proverbial boat, but someone like OSusana or Vernswifevickie – they’re so far up Kimmer’s butt, she couldn’t see if they were moles or not! Not saying those two are, but a mole is usually someone who really tries hard to portray loyalty and isn’t going to jeopardize their access by rocking the boat is all I’m saying!

August 28, 2007 at 4:54 pm


So typically Kimmer!

Gotta keep the “Negative Nancies” from saying anything, no negativity ladies….you won’t lose weight if you’re negative! As if concern, questions or the like is going to hinder weight loss. How unreal!

If I were Christin and Kimmer lied to me and I then wound up lying to the members, I’d be royally pissed. If Christin willfully lied for Kimmer and I was a member, I’d be royally pissed.

August 28, 2007 at 5:01 pm


Notably, Cutie last “logged” into her kimkins account on July 15 but we know Cutie was banned back in April. So there’s evidence of Kimmer faking log ins of banned members.

August 28, 2007 at 5:42 pm


Most likely, she didn’t ban any of them, but just changed their passwords so that she could control their accounts. And read their PMs. Or post as them.

August 28, 2007 at 8:19 pm


Oh what a tangled web kimmer weaves!

August 30, 2007 at 4:29 pm

The Meet-up That Wasn’t « Kimkins Exposed

[…] the recent departure of the beloved moderator Becky, how long until others begin to jump the sinking ship called […]