What do you get when you combine one confused newbie and three Kimkins admins?

Dangerous advice that may be fatal.

New Kimkins Member
Subject: Frustrated I need help!!

Okie dokie…
well, I know this is my fault, but my weight is going wacky this week. I was 174 on monday and have gone up and down every day between there and 178?!? is this normal? I have usually only been weighing once a week, because when I first started I was going a little crazy with the scale.
Anyhow, I have been very naughty (mostly because I’m caught up in other things) and I’ve not been entering my food into fitday. Shame on me, I know. I HAVE to do this. I feel like it keeps me more honest. (But I dont’ cheat, just have a tendency to overdo with the “extras” like cheese & jello)

ALSO- I’ve been having massive muscle cramps in my legs? I drink at least 2literes of water a day… and I take vitamins, so I dunno what’s up? Do other people get this? My dis-approving family tells me it’s my “diet”

Last- I have been doing well on kimkins. Better than anything my whole life!! But I am constantly being berated by family members and friends that say the way I’m eating is not healthy and it’s too drastic and I’m just going to “get fat again” They even go to the lengths of cutting out magazine articles and printing out things to “prove” to me that what I’m doing is wrong and unhealthy. This is really starting to drag me down and I’m wondering if in fact that has something to do with my wacko weight?

Thanks so much!!

SingingLass (admin and self-professed psychic) replies:

Lots of things can cause little scale hops anywhere in a five pound range or so….water retention, undigested/ expelled food, water intake, TOM…ya name it. I try not to worry about it when I see it, because it always corrects itself out in a day or two, especially if it is water retention or TOM.

You may want to try taking an additional potassium supplement for the leg cramps….when someone non-low carb dieting gets them, it often is prescribed to eat bannas for the potassium. Of course, if it continues to happen, consult your doctor.

I think we all have gone through the ropes of those who are not fully educated on low carb eating etc…and remind yourself that you have done much more research on this then any of them have, and thus can better decide what is healthy for you and what is not. Sometimes other people who do not have the courage, strength, whatever…to dedicate themselves to this kind of WOE and change for their ownselves, try to make themselves feel better by pulling those back/ putting down others who are making that effort. I know that sounds bad, but it is something many people have reported unfortunate incidents of. Hold your chin up sweetie, only you can decide what is best for you.

Next at bat, TippyToes (admin) replies:

In general dieting shifts our water balances and can cause the leg cramping. I take a calcium/magnesium supplement and it does the trick.

Sorry you are yo-yoing for the moment. I must say the one food that causes this for me is the beloved cheese. Try a few days without it and see if it cures the problem.

And then it’s Kimmer’s turn (admin and Heidi Diaz) to reply too, dragging a former admin into it:

KimATC recommends calcium & magnesium supplements for leg cramps. You can read more in the Work Out Zone forum.

Of course the only person who can advise you medically is your doctor — and many people still think you “need” carbs — so why not fax your doctor a copy of the Kimkins diet and ask what he thinks? Many Kimkins members have gotten the “thumbs up” from their docs and are on their way to staving off (or controlling) diabetes.


Note, none of the above admins are medical professionals or qualified to provide nutrition or supplement advice.

No warning was provided to this new member that potassium supplementation itself can be fatal if not done properly.

No one warned her that her leg cramps may be a warning sign of electrlyte imbalance, a potentially fatal condition if not resolved.