Keep Digging Tippytoes, Keep Digging

28 09 2007

Tippytoes (Jeannie Baitinger) continues to enlighten Kimkins members about her theory on Ducky, theTRUTH and why Low Carb Friends is unAmerican too!

SUBJECT: Re:Question for Tippy

Tippytoes wrote:

Well, Netrition does allow it’s BB to be used to help destroy our home here. They allow members to speak freely and very unkindly, make fun of and threaten people who follow Kimkins. They even allow this hostility towards their own members who follow Kimkins. They are aware their chat admins are Ducky and The Truth and they are aware of the slander being written and promoted. They have made no efforts to discourage this behavior and in fact appear to be in favor of promoting it. They allow their members to make fun of overweight people yet they call themselves a diet support site. They still keep all Kimkins threads available for use. The “we can do what we want and you better not question it” is unreasonable and unAmerican at best. If you want to do business with this company you certainly may and you have every right to do so. But I want the truth known so others can make their own choices too.


It’s clear Tippytoes has now entered into the realm of what can only be considered libel against Low Carb Friends and their admins; in addition she’s now fully within the boundaries of a lawsuit should Low Carb Friends or those admins she’s accusing decide to take the next step.

Oh, and Tippytoes, slander isn’t written, it’s verbal.

Kimkins is Toxic

26 09 2007

The Kimkins forums can only, at this point in time, be called toxic.

Last night’s display of unbridled rage underscored the growing anger Kimmer (Heidi Diaz) feels as the truth is seeping out for all to see. In what many speculate was a drunken tear by Kimmer, under the guise of a new user name, members were given front row seats to really see how the once supportive forum is damaged beyond repair, how the environment reeks with hate toward anyone speaking the truth, including those members who remain within the site.

Members who paid for membership, who paid for access, who paid for a supportive environment online are finding themselves in the crosshairs; targets to be attacked at any hint they question the plans, the founder or their own experience within the forums. Members asking questions or offering up suggestions for improvement are quickly derided, dismissed and declared unworthy to be among the true believers, told to leave and go elsewhere if they won’t behave and blindly regurgitate the party-line.

When a member asked about calorie limits, Wonderwoman replied,

What limits? What are you talking about? Why not call your doctor if you’re so scared? Or if you’re not doing Kimkins then go away?

My cousin had RouxY gastric reconstruction for obesity and she ate less than anybody here. What’s the danger? What are you afraid of? If you do Weight Watchers with frozen tv dinners you’re healthy? Aren’t they loaded to the gills with carbs? Yeah. Nutritious.

When another member openly suggested a listing of potential health risks and side effects for new members, after reading Deni’s blog entry, her intentions were questioned by admin tarvosK,

I would like to ask the original poster what the purpose of posting this blog entry was? Is there some reason for posting yet more negativity about the plan?

Did this person have success on the plan? It appears so and then they left for whatever reason, as is their right. However I have to wonder about people that involve themselves in something like KK and then when they have gotten the results they wanted, go running off and start bashing it to the rest of the world. It seems to me that there is just something very odd about that, but then I have never been one to really follow the pack that much anyway, so I won’t be running off anywhere to tell people how evil and life threatening this plan is.

Notice tarvosK avoids the issue, potential health risks, and focuses back to fast weight loss as ideal and suggests those who have fled the site and are speaking out have alterior motives, according to him, there is no danger with Kimkins diet plans.

When yet another member dared to suggest posting potential side effects for new members to read and understand, admin Tippytoes stepped to admonish her with,

I am curious since I see you posting the possibility of negativity and doubt across the boards today… What does YOUR Doctor think?

Another member had the audacity to ask about carbohydrate intake after attending a class on nutrition, being told women require 100 grams of carbohydrate each day. Rather than explain gluconeogenesis or point her to articles about meeting glucose requirements while following a low carb diet, she was told by Wonderwoman,

If you’re in danger from not eating carbs, shouldn’t be you at the emergency room? On life support? Or crawling along in weight loss because you really wanted to add carbs and have given yourself permission under a self induced guise? Sign up for the group “yeah I did Kimkins and didn’t lose”.

These examples, and others we could provide, clearly highlight how dysfunctional the site now. Such abuse of members is not only tolerated, but expected; not only from admins, but between member to member.

It is a place where only those emotionally damaged souls really want to stay and want to remain so they can continue to feed on the punishment.

No emotionally healthy person will tolerate such abuse daily, nor willingly continue to remain so they can witness such abuse directed at others. Within Kimkins there is an illness, a sickness so prevalent and contagious, so toxic; an emotional dysfunction so damaging it makes the diet plans look sane.

SingingLass Sings the Legal Blues to Kimmer

20 09 2007

Boy, oh boy, today is simply a feast for the eyes from theTRUTH!

SingingLass wrote: (in a PM to Kimmer/Heidi Diaz)

Hi, I apologize if you have already read this. My previous PM looks like it was chopped up wierd, and had this listed as being produced by you and not me, so just in case I thought I would resent it, because the background information regarding that law suit stuff and the primary person might be usefull…so wanted to double check that you got it.

That class laywer thing…cracks me up! Here is why. The person who started the ball rolling there, is Jeanessa. Okay, I read/ skimmed through most of the dribble over at LCF ( boring boring …I am still trying to recover brain cells)… and she was someone who came on board not too long ago with really air-headed seeming posts asking what was going on, and asking questions like a little kid hopping up and down hoping to be let in on the secrets and allowed to play with the bigger kids. She did not appear to have any negative opinion or experience of her own about this plan, until others instilled it for her. She then was one of the first people to be banned I believe the day the pictures were released on slam board due to posts she made over here…which she of course bragged about to LCF, wanting to be cool and further let into the group.

THEN she started this thing about how she was denied a refund, and oh she was going to get a lawyer. When she said that, she suddenly got this wave of people telling her way to go, and let me know so I can join in too. Following that, ducky made posts cheering her on and encouraging others to join on the wagon as well. I think at first there was not even a lawyer, that she was just blowing steam to look cool, and it jumped foward.

Now, other interesting issues. You have to lift a brow at a so-called lawyer who is posting on other random anti-kimkins blogs in the comment sections trying to drum up people to join up with him. Can we say bottom feeder, and a blow to credibility/ethical practices? Secondly….this is based on people wanting their money back. Not thousands, not hundreds…but rather clogging up court time and expenses for $60 memberships to a web service that they violated tos on, but still have access to the diet info itself. I know other web services, be it aol, games and the like, reserve the right to ban members for infractions without warning, regardless if they paid a membership fee.

Thirdly, they have to proove claims that they really were jipped/ frauded in some way, or physically damaged. So for the first part of that, an investigation will show that all diet information and support was in fact, and still is, provided as detailed in what people will receive for thier membership fee. However, no where does it say they are entitled to know your personal life details.

Next. medical claims. They cannot just say, ” oh, i felt dizzy, i had some hair loss….” they have to have medical documentation…which means doctor records of the complaints AND saying that it was specifically caused by the diet. Even when I had a lawsuit many years ago from a car accident, I could not just say ” My neck and chest have hurt since the accident”. I had to go to multiple doctors, get xrays, and have written statements provided by the doctors detailing my injuries, and confirming that they were indeed a result of the accident, and nothing else. These people, one, are doubtful to want to go to that kind of expense and hassel, if they even realize at all that they need to go through those kind of procedures….and secondly, saying they once felt dizzy or something, cannot be prooven or even tested by a doctor, especially if they are not even following the plan anymore…they cannot contribute to hearysay and speculations like that, they would risk their own medical credibility. Even if they do go to a doctor, and say, come up with an underactive thyoid or something, they cannot in any way proove that it was not a pre-exisiting condition before the diet, unless maybe if they had been tested recently before starting it and have some kind of proof. I know my own thyroid tests bounced from being normal and underactive almost every other time I was tested as well.

I have been telling a couple others who have asked me as well that the site is not going anywhere, and not to listen to the rumors or scare tactics being produced by others. What a crazy time!

Look how many years it took them to ban ephedra….and they needed all those court actions, all those documents of people dying, and it still is being brought back up and contemplated. I don’t think any of the makers even were sued, just told they could not make it anymore. And personally, I think ephedra can be a helpful substance—when used CORRECTLY, and in regulated doses. It helped even to open my air ways in various products when I was sick.


NOTE TO TRUTH: Can you include dates for the PM’s as you post them?


Comments feed for this article

September 20, 2007 at 5:23 pm


She makes some good points. Doing a Kimmer, are we listening and taking what we need from this? Everybody with health issues, can you get documentation? Not that it really matters, since there is enough proof of the starvation response in research to make a judge go hmm. Besides, she’s ignoring the fraud part where the creator of the diet solicited memberships based on her “success.” Keep talking. (Did Kimmer reply?)

September 20, 2007 at 5:35 pm


She’s so far up Heidi’s ass it’s a wonder she can still breathe. Notice she has no defense for the fraud of a morbidly obese woman pretending to be 118 pounds to sell the diet. Oh that’s right, she’s convinced Kimmer isn’t Heidi…and she has the gall to call others stupid!

September 20, 2007 at 5:35 pm


It’s probably a good thing that kimmers “mini-me” isn’t worried. The more time they spend not worrying, the more time the authorities have to investigate.
For SL, keep saying there’s no problem. OJ probably said the same haha.

September 20, 2007 at 5:39 pm


A few days ago, I read (on this blog, I think) where Kimmer mentioned an email address that only she reads…..could you re-post that? I am trying to send her a direct email asking for a refund. Thanks.


September 20, 2007 at 5:41 pm


I see that singinglass is a lawyer about as much as Kimmer is a dietician. *snort*

September 20, 2007 at 5:46 pm


SL disgusts me. She will rot in hell with the rest of them. She is selling her soul for $150 a week. That’s pretty low.

Just because she had a tradgety happen earlier in her life that she cannot seem to get passed, she wants to hurt as many other people as possible too.

That is just sick.

September 20, 2007 at 5:46 pm


Was it ?

September 20, 2007 at 5:52 pm


I agree with SL that it would take years to prove that the diet was culpable for any kind of illness. It probably isn’t a good thing to fight out in court at this time.
HOWEVER- The banning of members for fake TOS violations, not refunding based on the fake violations, not providing the product that the members paid for, seriously false advertising, violating CA business ethics laws, collecting funds for non-existent foster children, using multiple aliases to skirt taxes and collecting SSD under false pretenses…………..

September 20, 2007 at 6:00 pm


Since I am featured so prominently in this, can I respond?


1.) Yes, I did get the ball rolling for the lawsuit

2.) I joined LCF in 2004 back when Kimmer was still there so I didn’t just come on the scene. Of course, I wanted to know what was going on, I had spent my hard-earned money to join Heidi’s site and every question that I asked about Kimkins in the past (on Kimkins and Jimmy’s blog) had been quickly swept aside. As far as my negative opinion of Kimkins – it has been there for quite some time, LCF and Kimkins simply did not allow you to express it in their forums – they did the same thing you spend all day doing – hitting the delete button, sweetie.

3.) Yes, I was banned the day the pictures were released and yes, I became more vocal at that point because that was when I realized that I had been conned and it was high time somebody did something about the fraudulent website of which you are so prominently involved.

4.) I was cool when I came out of my moma’s womb in 1978, you don’t know me so don’t act like you do.

5.) I got a lawyer the day after I was banned. Speak what you know or shut up, baby doll.

6.) This lawsuit is not simply about a refund, but about ethical business practices. Just because we are on the Internet does not mean you can lie to people and take their money.

7.) John E. Tiedt is an ethical attorney who has decades of litigation experience and is a health fraud advocate who serves on the Health Fraud Task Force for the Attorney General’s office in the State of California. You sure you want to call him a bottom feeder and face libel charges yourself?

8.) We don’t have to prove a thing. Heidi has to prove that she is 118 pounds.

9.) As far as not going anywhere, you might want to get Heidi to meet you in person and prove her claims before you go making promises that you are in no position to keep.

10.) Ephedra and are on two different scales. If you can’t take the time to figure out the difference between the two lawsuits, I’m not going to bother to take the time to try to explain it to you.

11.) Conduct sound research before you go off at the mouth, honey. It takes away from your swagger you don’t.

September 20, 2007 at 6:11 pm


I thought SingingLass was a psychic or somesuch. Now she’s a legal advisor?

Well, legally speaking, Kimmer is an invention. Doesn’t exist. But the person who invented Kimmer, well….SingingLass should set up a face to face meeting with her Fuhrer and see how slender she is.


September 20, 2007 at 6:11 pm


Ooohh…. I wouldn’t mess with Jeanessa!

SL and Kimmer are obviously too clueless to see that.

September 20, 2007 at 6:15 pm

Down with Kimkins!

What I am trying to comprehend is WHY help (abet) perpetuate a blantant liar’s fantasy?

Are all the admins suffering from mental illness?

September 20, 2007 at 6:18 pm


“Heidi has to prove that she is 118 pounds.”

Oh, oh, Heidi. Better get cycling on that Tippy diet thingie.

September 20, 2007 at 6:20 pm


They are deluded…..

September 20, 2007 at 6:21 pm


Singinglass you are a joke….and I’m sure Heidi is sitting back thinking “oh brother….this chick can’t even spell and I have her reporting this drivel back to me?” Your ramblings are just that…..grabbing at any little piece of “knowledge” you can find so that you can seem important in Heidi’s eyes.

You are a pleaser…..SHE IS USING YOU, but you are too stupid to see it. This “so-called lawyer” yes, you spell lawyer L-A-W-Y-E-R…..has credentials……what do you and Heidi have?

September 20, 2007 at 6:30 pm


[i]Are all the admins suffering from mental illness?[/i]

Something in the koolaid?

September 20, 2007 at 6:33 pm


Maybe that’s why Heidi/Kimmer/Etc is keeping up a good front with admins. She’s stalling. She needs a month or two to lose 150 pounds for that court appearance…and her focus on DATELINE.

So, let’s see, 150 lbs. A Cinch for the Kimmer.

She can be lean and mean(er) by Christmas and start a whole new Kimmer Elite plan–better than Bootcampe for half the price–for those who need to get 10 stone off in a hurry. One ounce of chicken and one spinach leaf per day and 2+ hours of exercise. And lots of fake blog creations for technorati pumping. (Doctor’s okay required, but only if your doctor is a total loon.)


September 20, 2007 at 6:36 pm


As for … Kimmer isn’t the only one to read it. If you look at your newsletters and eCrock…I mean eBOOK…and informative little e-mails about setting up blogs and what not, the following people have sent out e-mails from (from the emails I have saved)

-Brad Johnson, Affiliate Manager
-Nikki Sharp
-Vanessa Sharp, (ex) Affiliate Manager


Also, does anyone know who Peggy Colton is? I was looking on the Press Release site at the Kimkins PRs and at the bottom of one of the releases I did a reverse phone # search and it came up with Peggy Colton. (One also came up as a Nextel customer). Notice how there are three different numbers in the Corona, CA area code…hmmm…

September 20, 2007 at 6:38 pm


I bet Heidi is taking her time freaking out so she can try to be 118 pounds and then come out of hide-y-ing.

Not that it would help her face.

Not that she could stick to her ‘diet’ for more than two hours.

September 20, 2007 at 6:48 pm


I’d like to chime in on the legal issue (again, this is what I do for a living and have to offer)…Kimmer is the one who has to prove she lost the weight and kept it off. This is her marketing tactic. She is being accused of false marketing tactics – SHE has the burden to prove she is/did what she said.

Kimmer is selling lifetime memberships and then banning people. This is also illegal. Lifetime means just that…lifetime. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. The TOS has been changed repeatedly to include the “no negativity”, etc. clauses. Here’s the thing…you can and are allowed to change the TOS of any contract HOWEVER, you have to notify EVERY PERSON that the change effects. So in short, banning someone, then saying “we changed the TOS” doesn’t cut it. I, for one, never did anything negative on that site whatsoever and was banned for filing a BBB complaint. I have the e-mail from Kimmer herself stating that she banned me because I seem to be unhappy with the site. So in her own words she didn’t ban ME for a TOS violation or anything negative. She banned ME because she had an opinion and felt she was Godlike.

I have looked up the attorney, and not just through his website. He is a legitimate attorney. My best friend is a paralegal for a class action attorney in this area and he knew who this attorney was by me just mentioning his name and said “Oh, he’s a good one.” And yes, it took 10 years on the ephedra case…wake up SL – a basic lawsuit over a car wreck takes about 5 years to get the court system anymore. I won’t go into details about why it takes that long, you wouldn’t comprehend it if I tried. Also remember, most of us aren’t in this for the money. We aren’t the ones selling our souls for $150 a week. We want Heidi stopped! Have you even figured out how many hours you work on that site helping her con people and then figure out what you’re making an hour with that measily $150? I’m sure it’s about $2 an hour, if that. Well worth it, I’m sure.

Just one more little tidbit of advice SL – PLEASE, OH PLEASE….take your $150 weekly bribe and get a dictionary or install a spellcheck program on your computer. Besides talking out your @$$ about things you have no clue, you make yourself look even dumber by not being able to spell basic third grade words. If you want to play lawyer, go ahead…but that’s illegal too – kind of like dispensing medical advice without a license. Both will get you thrown in jail.

September 20, 2007 at 6:49 pm


So how long before we all get an e-mail with the new TOS with Heidi trying to cover her tracks again. The e-book was a good laugh, so this should be even better!

September 20, 2007 at 6:53 pm

Tam (Kimkins refugee)

Wow! Obviously Singing Lass ignored littlebit’s plea, but she really is delusional if she ignores what Jeanessa has to say.

It’s sad that SL needs support and friendship so much she’ll turn to Kimmer. Heidi will dump her in a second once her usefulness is gone and then where will poor Singing Lass be?

September 20, 2007 at 6:57 pm


“As for … Kimmer isn’t the only one to read it. If you look at your newsletters and eCrock…I mean eBOOK…and informative little e-mails about setting up blogs and what not, the following people have sent out e-mails from (from the emails I have saved)

-Brad Johnson, Affiliate Manager
-Nikki Sharp
-Vanessa Sharp, (ex) Affiliate Manager


“Kimmer” might not be the only one reading the emails. But Heidi sure is!

September 20, 2007 at 7:07 pm

SingingLass Sings the Legal Blues to Kimmer by

[…] for thier membership fee. However, no where does it say they are …article continues at Just Ducky brought to you by and […]

September 20, 2007 at 7:20 pm

La Mesa

So there is Singing lass, the opera singing psychic, Tippy who can’t get her hear out of heidis ass nor can she decide which diet she actually lost weight on….and then heidi the 300 pound bald woman… this right? Is this really for real?? LMAO at this point I can’t stop laughing about the opera singing psychic part…I mean if you were REALLY psychic…shouldn’t you have SEEN this coming??? hahahaha

September 20, 2007 at 7:21 pm

La Mesa

Singinglass…does the psychic hotline pay you more the 150 a week??

September 20, 2007 at 8:02 pm


La Mesa did this image flash through your mind?

September 20, 2007 at 8:58 pm


Stiff, you make an excellent point! More proof that there is only one “partner”

September 20, 2007 at 9:28 pm

La Mesa

LMAO yes OddManOut, exactly the image I had in my head!!! LOL Thanks!

September 20, 2007 at 9:48 pm


She mentioned having to go through the ringer and getting a lot of documentation about her injuries after an auto accident. It seems that she pursued this and took the insurance company to court… maybe did a settlement out of court. That case is one individual utilyzing a personal injury (tort) attorney to file a claim against an insurance company for monetary compensation.

IN the case of a class action lawsuit, the same is not applicable. Havent you ever received a class action notice in the mail and all you had to do to participate was sign a paper? It would be interesting to get more detail on this though.

I’m also wondering how long this information source (internals message amongs admins) is going to be available if they read these boards. I would think they would have already gone to another method of communication or will start to say things just to mess with the mole.

September 20, 2007 at 10:04 pm


Stiff wrote:
“As for … Kimmer isn’t the only one to read it. If you look at your newsletters and eCrock…I mean eBOOK…and informative little e-mails about setting up blogs and what not, the following people have sent out e-mails from (from the emails I have saved)

-Brad Johnson, Affiliate Manager
-Nikki Sharp
-Vanessa Sharp, (ex) Affiliate Manager


three different numbers in the Corona, CA area code…hmmm…”

That’s because those are all alter egos of Kimmer! She just gave it up that she is all those people!! That is excellent! LOLOLOLOL

September 20, 2007 at 10:47 pm


Hmmmmm…..trained opera singer and psychic consultant and NOW she is a LAWYER!!!! Wow!!! I am amazed! I guess SingingLass will be the defending lawyer in the case huh?

September 20, 2007 at 11:09 pm

EAT People, EAT!

Can we fry this dumb byatch now? I’m sorry, but she makes me so mad, just about as mad as Heidi makes me!!! I was trying to understand her part because of her ABUSE but after reading all of this, I’m sorry I HATE HER just as much as that evil POS Heidi/Kimmer or whatever personality she is today!

I say, take stupid 10-year-to-get-a-degree-but-still-happily-sucking-butt-for-pennies-an-hour-can’t-get-a-job-on-a-psychic-hotline SingingLass DOWN with Heidi. I’m posting whatever I want to say about her – she is EVIL just like Kimmer and she deserves whatever is said about her! Being abused is no excuse for being a stupid sorry byatch!!!!

She’s fair game now! Let’s see what else we can find on her!

September 20, 2007 at 11:51 pm


LOL. Get it out girl, testify! 😉

September 21, 2007 at 2:19 am


I warned her yesterday that this didn’t have to be posted today. It didn’t have to be made public. Yesterday, she had some sympathy on her side. She had her chance to do what was right. She wasn’t blind sided by today’s posts. She won’t be tomorrow either when I post.

January 14, 2008 at 10:50 am


I actually know this girl. And she really is no singer.

She may be trained, but that doesn’t mean that she has any talent.

What else does she lie about, then?

The eBook that wasn’t

18 09 2007

So, everyone has received the email claiming to be an eBook. WORD tallies 2006 words total and it’s all within five pages.

eBook? Ha! We receive spam emails longer than that!

Share with us here what you think of the literary masterpiece that Kimmer (Heidi Diaz) claimed was taking so long due to her need to make it perfect (Jimmy Moore podcast)!


Comments feed for this article

September 18, 2007 at 7:59 pm


Someone needs to get Tippy Toes or Kimmer, whichever authored this piece, a thesarus so they can know the difference between and “ebook” and an “advertisement”.

September 18, 2007 at 7:59 pm


You know, her covering isn’t going to work. I paid for the e-book too and along with my lifetime membership it’s gone poof….she’s trying to cover, but she’s already done the damage. This isn’t going to all of the people she’s banned who have already filed complaints stating the book never surfaced. Wonder if this has something to do with Paypal disputes???

The “book” looks more like a collection of newsletters to me.

September 18, 2007 at 8:00 pm

kimkins dangers



Kimmer is really too funny.

September 18, 2007 at 8:00 pm


WOW! Copying and pasting must have caused her to work up a sweat this afternoon!

September 18, 2007 at 8:02 pm

Kimmer Sucks!

How can anyone claim a full on advertisement is an ebook? Geez, it’s a friggin’ email solicitation at best, a work of fiction at worst!

September 18, 2007 at 8:02 pm


Kimmer is only trying to cover her butt. That is no e-Book, it’s an ad, and a poorly written one at that.

September 18, 2007 at 8:03 pm



What a crock!

She’s totally losing it if she thinks that passes as a book!

September 18, 2007 at 8:04 pm


I stand corrected. I just checked my home e-mail and yes, I did receive the “book”. Funny how I’m banned and still don’t have the lifetime membership I paid for, but she could find my e-mail to try and cover her @$$.

Not working for me….dates Heidi, we can check the dates. The back peddling isn’t going to work. But it is proving all of us right!

September 18, 2007 at 8:05 pm


Scoble, of course she worked up a sweat. Remember, no exercise on Kimkins, so she had to be extra careful in the amount of effort she put in. Besides, she had to figure out SOME way to burn off the 300 calories that she is alloted a day.

Or rather, that she allots per Kimkins member a day.

September 18, 2007 at 8:06 pm


There have been shorter books:


25. EZ SPELING by Dan Quayle

24. MINORITIES I DON’T HATE by Eminem & John Rocker


22. EVERYTHING I KNOW by George W. Bush

21. THE KEY TO A HAPPY MARRIAGE by Ike Turner, O.J. Simpson & Frank Gifford

20. BEAUTY SECRETS by Janet Reno


18. TOLERANCE by Jerry Fallwell

17. THINGS I LOVE ABOUT BILL by Hillary Clinton

16. MY LIFE’S MEMORIES by Ronald Reagan

15. THINGS I CAN’T AFFORD by Bill Gates


13. THE WILD YEARS by Al Gore












And the World’s Number One Shortest book…

1. MY BOOK OF MORALS by Bill Clinton

September 18, 2007 at 8:06 pm


My email reply to Heidi’s ebook……….


WHAT A JOKE! Let’s just copy and paste the same unhealthy drivel you had on the site and say, “There’s my ebook!” Wow!! did you even break a sweat? Oh yeah…..I am sure you ARE sweating big time just wondering how you are going to look in prison orange. None of this desperation is going to save you from paying. Everything is catching up with you and you deserve everything that is coming. What a fraud and cheat!!! Hope you enjoyed all the money that you bilked everyone out of while sitting at your computer eating your Ding Dongs and HoHos while washing them down with your booze d’jour and typing to people how to lose the weight that you have supposedly kept off for 5 years. YEAH RIGHT!!!! There is a special place for people like you and I am so glad that your day is coming. How dare you say that another member needed professional help! YOU are the one that needs the help. Only a sick twisted mind could create all this mess. I am so glad that people are leaving in droves. Soon it will be just you, Tippy Toes and your little psychic pet SingingLass. Hmmmm…wonder why she didn’t intuit the trouble coming your way?? Oh well…..I guess psychics have good days and bad days huh?”

September 18, 2007 at 8:08 pm


What’s wrong with my eBook? Kimkins is a super simple diet, there’s not much to write — and you got a website as a bonus.

September 18, 2007 at 8:10 pm


Funny how you post all the contacts of agencies to get in touch with to check if she’s being investigated and boom, out comes the –cough,cough– ebook!

September 18, 2007 at 8:11 pm


Give Tippy a break…the cruise was only a few days long, so she didn’t have a lot of time to get it done.

September 18, 2007 at 8:11 pm


It reminded me of one of those “special adverstising sections” in cheezy women’s magazines. You know, like in Women’s World.

September 18, 2007 at 8:12 pm

Crazy Cat

Someone posted in kimkins:

I got it too….Very disappointing. I expected more, considering how long it’s been promised. No photos of Kimmer in it either. Not even a hint of what sacrifices and struggles it took for her to lose her weight, etc….it was my understanding from ages ago that when it came out, it would be more like a life story in addition to the Plan…this is a joke. What do you say Kimmer? Cat got your tongue…errr….your fingers, I mean??? It’s just that I would think that it you wanted to refute a lot of what is being said, that this would be a good opportunity to do so. Maybe this was a Rush job?

People, all of you who are able to read this before it gets deleted, I had a long talk with a friend of mine the other day who was not one of the older members on this site. I was a member of Camp Kimkins at lcf a long time ago and then we came over here over a year ago. And it wasn’t just one person, it was a whole group of us. One followed the other and before you knew it, we had Camp again! Also, be aware that, when we signed up with Kimmer, we did so under the premise of (and this was stated by Kimmer directly, mind you) no posts would ever be banned or monitored, that you could say what you wanted, that she was creating the site to help people lose weight and keep it off “like her” (which we know now is in all likelihood a lie) and that she was using the nominal fee that we paid for the furtherance of aiding foster kids who become of age and have to leave foster care. None are true…how sad, that there are unethical people out there that want to prey upon the weaknesses of others (i.e. individuals with weight problems and who are, let’s face it, usually of a low self-esteem anyway) and do it just for one underlying ulterior motive…TO MAKE MONEY!!! And sure, this is America, you guys, and in America you have the opportunity to make money. However, most of you weren’t here at the start and so you don’t realize, like those of us from a long time ago, how much this site and its founder has changed and not for the better – it’s called G-R-E-E-D. Haven’t you all been in groups where people get pissed off at others andthen they disappear? Kimmer and her admins did that to the ones that actually created all those wonderful sticky ntoes on the top of each of the threads….Notice that she hasn’t gotten rid of those? No, she wants to reap the benefits of someone else’s work but yet she quite happily makes them get lost afterwords…Something smells bad here…. Just think about it, is all I ask, look at the proof and the dodges by Kimmer herself to answers to your questions, and then make your own decision. But get the whole picture, for cryin’ out loud!

I’m off my soapbox now. Sorry Kimmer, but when you go down, I hope that you realize that you did it to yourself.

September 18, 2007 at 8:17 pm

La Mesa

She should write an ebook about her hairstyles….errr wait…Wig styles!!

September 18, 2007 at 8:21 pm


Wow, Heidi’s busy deleting any criticism of her “ebook” (LAUGHING MY ASS OFF)

September 18, 2007 at 8:50 pm


I edit at a few magazines online. If someone said they wanted to send a proposal for an e-book, and it was 2006 words long, I’d think they were deficient brainwise.

Excuse me. That barely qualifies as a short story length, much less a BOOK. A pamphlet, maybe.

Maybe she needs to go back and scrub the KimKins site and change the promise of an e-book to the promise of an e-pamphlet. Or an e-tract. But book? I laugh in the general direction of her fake after photo.

I smell Kimmerspiration in the air.


September 18, 2007 at 8:50 pm


Love your recipe for ham and eggs…how creative! LMAO

and your manitenance plan….musta took months to come up with that one LMAO.

3/4 of it was spent telling people to “come to Kimkins”…..not what you should do when you’re already there LMAO. Glad I didn’t pay money to see that blurb.

September 18, 2007 at 8:53 pm


The best line in the whole thing:

Worse, recent photographs and videos often shock us. Often we don’t realize how our weight has spiraled out of control until we see the images on film.

How ironic.*eyeroll*

September 18, 2007 at 8:56 pm


Disgusting and an insult to our intelligence! How dare kimmer/heidi/whatevethefuckhernameistoday claim that’s a book!

September 18, 2007 at 9:03 pm


WHAT A SCAM! KIMMER..WE ARE GOING TO HAVE THE LAST LAUGH. Just a matter of time. You’ll see.

September 18, 2007 at 9:27 pm


And now it’s time for some positive bullscheisse…er, I mean…testimonials…on the bottom of the Kimkins website.

“We just got our Kimkins Ebook and I want to say that it’s true about losing 5% of your body weight in 10 days and we lost even more than that me and my hubby. I started at 178 and lost 28 pounds in 10 days and DH was 281 and lost 31 pounds and he loves to eat. If you don’t cheat you lose the pounds fast. We both have type II diabetes and this is a godsend for us.”
Betty Hellman Davenport , Posted at Tuesday, 18 September 2007 12:40

31 pounds in 10 days…are you kidding me? I weigh plenty in the range of her husband and that’s ridiculous.

September 18, 2007 at 9:39 pm


28 pounds in 10 days???? For a 178 pound woman LMAO.

I think lying is a “ban protection: requirement over there now.

September 18, 2007 at 10:00 pm


What a shister!

September 18, 2007 at 10:05 pm


Wait… the ebook was promised to people to entice them to join … right? … which logically speaking means they would receive the ebook afterthey joined … right? … so why is it that so much of the ebook is addressed to people who have not yet joined?

September 18, 2007 at 10:12 pm

Robin Bayne

An “ebook” is just a book in electronic format. Books are vritually always longer than 5 pages. If you ordered an audio book, you’d expect more than 5 pages too.

This was an ad, plain and simple.

September 18, 2007 at 10:24 pm


Mimi, I’ve been wondering the same thing. It’s really quite confusing why the eBook and newsletters are always addressed to noobs.

September 18, 2007 at 10:31 pm


I am SOOOOO laughing at how scared Kimmer/Heidi Diaz must be right now!! She read that list of all of the people that are gunning for her butt and she’s scrambling to “fix” everything!! TOO LATE HEIDI! YOU ARE GOING DOWN! Stop getting your legal advice from the kiosk at Walmart – this won’t fix it. You’ve gone too far. The world is watching. I can’t wait until the media is at your door with a microphone and camera – it will happen SOON! This thing has gotten way too much coverage to be ignored now.

A 5 page eBook? For $60? I’ve written homework assignments longer than that! I bet she just wrote that TODAY.

Really though, what would she put in it??? It’s not like she’s ever dieted successfully – I doubt that she’s even tried her own diet! Sure doesn’t look like it! So what could she possibly write?????

Why don’t you do an eBook on how to sit behind the computer eating fried chicken, potato chips and cookies, and scam thousands of people of out a million bucks? Now THERE’S something you know about it! Can we get an ebook on that, Heidi/Kimmer????

September 18, 2007 at 11:15 pm

ban kimmer

You guys are silly! Tippy wrote that. How do I know…uh check the spelling. Only a retarded hillbilly could use phrases like that. Trust me. Heidi had nothing to do with it. She’s tooooo damn anal to release something with so many grammatical errors. Tippy you are a tard!

September 18, 2007 at 11:40 pm

ban kimmer

I’m sick by this tippy stuff I really am. And although everyone says she will be welcomed back at lcf when all hits the fan….I would disagree. I promise if I have anything to do with it, she won’t even be allowed to get out with time served. Crook!

September 18, 2007 at 11:49 pm


This is the maintence plan she has been working on for years?! The one she told Jimmy in thier interview, she had to make simple so her members could understand it? LMAO!

“Our maintenance plan offers a huge advantage over most plans. We allow a 5 lb span from your goal weight number. It’s a good idea to drop to the lower end of your weight loss span first, before you indulge. Then, if a certain food indulgence causes your weight to go over your comfort zone, simply return to a short round of Kimkins until the weight is back to the lower end. Normally this only takes a few days. “

September 19, 2007 at 5:06 am

count padunkadunk

of course Tippy wrote it, it’s not Kimmers style

Tippy welcome at LCF when she comes crawling back……………I doubt it since from what I have read, she is not welcome now.

I only have seen one person speaking in her support and she isn’t even speaking now.

September 19, 2007 at 2:14 pm

Down with Kimkins!

When Tippy comes back to LCF and she will because I expect the Kimpire to fall, I for one will never participate on any thread that she posts on. I hope she just goes away!

December 11, 2007 at 4:31 am

Kimkins Expose–Diet by Death « Diary of a Mad Housewife

[…] hear she plans on writing an e-book to sell. We wish her well and hope she comes back to visit […]
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