The Psychic Predicts…

27 09 2007

It’s starting off a banner day in the speculation department as to whom Ducky is.

First Tippytoes is sure we’re admins and members from Low Carb Friends. Now, theTRUTH posted private messages between SingingLass and Kimmer, with SingingLass offering her insights about who we are.

Oh, it doesn’t get any better than this!

SingingLass wrote:

Thats the fun stuff. I keep the kimkins site open in my IE browser, and when I go to any of those sites or LCF, I do so seperately through aol, fav places etc…so that they cannot see a browsing trail. I use a statistical traffic counter thingy on my listings myself. Someone must have linked some peeps from the chat room yesterday though, or at least so ducky claimed. I had actually wondered if you had peeked at it last night because someone announomously posted ” all of a dozen of you” on that. I have posted a couple times on the boards under different names just wanting to try to point out holes, its pretty pointless though, they don’t want to hear anything that bursts their obsession bubble. Ducky is definately grasping for straws though…most likely Catherine’s husband, prolly wanted to set up a couple different slam sites to try to broaden the appearance of the scope and people against you.

I also am not surprised no one has contacted you, its why I have laughed at them calling everyone, their silly petitions. Firstly, those kind of investigations tend to start with an undercover preliminary peeksie. Meaning they would have some underling at first poke their head in here to see if there is any kind of story or truth, no one wants to make a foll of themselves by running with something that is not solid…..and what they will find is not what is being spread around. People get what they pay for, no advice being given for people to eat nothing but grass…..and no where in the purchasing agreement does it say that people are entitled to know your bra size or choice of toilet paper. In order to have a real case, there would have to be huge lackings in what was promised, people paying and getting nothing and the like….and also there would have to be multiple medically documented cases of people being hurt or worse, and even then only if they followed the diet correctly and it happened. Also, any self-thinking investigator who goes and looks at that LCF thread and the ducky board will be able to see it is a foaming irrational mob behind this.

I had someone saying she was eating 10-15 g of fat a day in the chat room and not losing weight. I of course told her to up that, and she was like “oooh”……there also was someone who had been silently sitting in the chat room for a long time last night…bracken666 i think it was, who thought they have had an account since june, had no posts listed in their profile. I decided to address them and say hello, and bam, they signed out. Others said he/she had been in there for hours without saying anything, so just seemed odd they ran when addressed…obviously was watching. Just little things and people like that to keep an eye out, sad we have to, but needed right now I guess.

Kimmer (Heidi Diaz) replied:

Thanks, Del, you’re better than the FBI.

Everything you outlined for an investigation is exactly right — but I wasn’t going to bore you with the details, LOL! I’m glad you understand and you see yourself that there’s nothing hokey going on: diet, food list, support groups and nobody being told to drink Drano or gulp laxatives.

I did get an email from the Woman’s World editor. Wanted to know if we were sending mailings to members encouraging laxative abuse. Had to set her straight on what’s happening. Ducky is running out of resources — and every morning we’re still here darn it!

BTW, this probably sounds like a bribe (hey, you can blog about it!) but I appreciate you looking out for Kimkins. I’ll remember that. I believe a gift between friends is non-taxable, yes? You’ll have something to look forward to at Christmas. (theTRUTH emphasis added)


Comments feed for this article

September 27, 2007 at 6:18 pm


How paranoid are they? Someone is “lurking” and then leaves when addressed? How does the psychic not know the “lurker” wasn’t someone watching to gather info for their investigation?

September 27, 2007 at 6:25 pm

The Psychic Predicts… by

[…] continues at Just Ducky brought to you by and […]

September 27, 2007 at 6:28 pm


“Firstly, those kind of investigations tend to start with an undercover preliminary peeksie.”

You know, there really IS a reson why it’s called “undercover”. lol…

Conspiracy occurs when there is the specific intent that a crime be performed; and there is an agreement with another person to engage in or cause that crime to be performed, and one of the conspirators commits an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy. At state and local levels, there are various degrees of conspiracy, ranging from misdemeanors to felonies, depending upon the crime that is committed. Under U.S. federal law, conspiracy is a felony.

September 27, 2007 at 6:34 pm

Concerned about kimkins

Or a person who is too shy to join or talk about their weight problem but wants to get info. What the hell?

September 27, 2007 at 6:45 pm


oohhhh … what’s Hidy going to send SL? A matching set of her ’striped’ PJ’s from jail?

September 27, 2007 at 6:51 pm

Princess Dieter

She’s a psychic. Why doesn’t she already know who Ducky is and who the lurker was and what Heidi’s bra size is. (50FF?) Ahem.

The Princess

September 27, 2007 at 7:05 pm


They’re wrong.

Ducky = RightNow = PJ

September 27, 2007 at 7:10 pm

Concerned about kimkins

Because much like a her claim of being a diet expert, she is NOT a psychic. Remember when Ms. Cleo got arrested for being a fraud, uh…a psychic would have seen that comin’. Plus, seeing her pics, she is also not at her goal, at all. So, um…yeah Heidi, please let the blind lead the blind. I know I’ve always wanted to go to Michael Jackson for Parenting tips. Shit!

September 27, 2007 at 7:46 pm


“Firstly, those kind of investigations tend to start with an undercover preliminary peeksie. Meaning they would have some underling at first poke their head in here to see if there is any kind of story”

What makes you think one or more of your new members *aren’t* working undercover for an agency? 🙂

September 27, 2007 at 7:47 pm

The Psychic Predicts… by

[…] continues at Just Ducky brought to you by and […]

September 27, 2007 at 10:16 pm

Princess Dieter

Excuse me, but how is a psychic worth $600 bucks an hour ($10 dollars A MINUTE). Teachers, nurses, plumbers, nutritionists, construction workers, dentists, etc –ie, real jobs—do not make this. Heck, my roofer didn’t make that and roofers are in big demand post hurricanes down here in Florida. Not even doctors make that, and maybe not lawyers (I haven’t hired any, so dunno).

But Singing”I’m just here to help people”Lass thinks it is right and just and fair to charge SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS AN HOUR for readings. Yeah, she’s in it for the empathic love…

No wonder she and Heidi get along so well. Online money-grubbers banding together….

The Princess

September 27, 2007 at 10:35 pm


I think they are all chuggin off the same jug LMAO.

September 27, 2007 at 10:56 pm


Interesting that SingingLass claims to have two degrees but her ass can’t spell!!!! Where did she get those degrees?????

Since we know that WW editor has contacted Kimmer with her concern — I say we all contact that editor AGAIN.

September 28, 2007 at 12:15 am


Hmmmm…opera singer, psychis, lawyer and NOW FBI/CIA/Police investigator!!! Is there no end to the list of qualifications this girl has???? Amazing!!! And she has never heard of spell check??? Hmmmm?

September 28, 2007 at 12:16 am


I meant psychic…..I HAVE heard of spell check! LOL

September 28, 2007 at 5:00 am


Actually, we don’t “know” that the WW editor has contacted Kimmer. All we know is, Kimmer says the WW editor contacted Kimmer.

September 28, 2007 at 7:08 am

Princess Dieter

I did write the editor of WW with links to here and Christin and TRUTH and etc. I was a mite ticked, too, and forgot to proofread. Left in a couple of typos. I hope they don’t think I’m Tippy or SingingLass. Heh.

So, I guess this won’t be over until the Psychic…stops singing?

The Princess

Petition to Investigate Kimkins

16 08 2007

To:  Federal Trade Commission, Better Business Bureau, California Attorney General

Believing it to be true that is promoting medically unsound and potentially life-threatening diet plans in which many followers have complained of one or more of the following:

• Dizziness
• Nausea
• Muscle fatigue or weakness
• Heartbeat palpitations
• Moderate to severe hair loss
• Bone and joint pain
• Mental changes – irritability, forgetfulness, confusion
• Bowel complications/symptoms of laxative abuse

And that the founder of Kimkins, known as “Kimmer” ;

• is not certified or licensed in any way to dispense nutritional and medical advice
• claims to have lost 198 lbs. but has never provided solid evidence of such loss, having refused to be interviewed in person
• has advised the daily use of laxatives extended beyond products’ warnings
• has pushed diet followers to stay as low in calories as possible, even as low as 0-300 calories a day
• has used questionable marketing techniques to generate membership revenues by:

– displaying false “before/after” testimonials
– using viral marketing techniques such as the willful misplanting that young celebrities have followed the plan in order to target a younger demographic, including pre-teens
– has allowed affiliates to spam many valid forums with misleading information
– advertising the acquisition of an e-book as included in the membership fee, which she never produced

We, the undersigned hereby request that this website, and its founder, “Kimmer” be properly investigated in an expedient manner so as to prevent harm from coming to more individuals who might try these plans.


The Undersigned

Sign Petition Now!